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Since your banshee isnt ported those CPI's are probably not performing the best. CPI's are not really designed for a stock ported engine. Get it ported and that will be the night and day difference your looking for. Bigger carbs will only make your shee even a bigger dog with those pipes and stock porting.



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Since your banshee isnt ported those CPI's are probably not performing the best. CPI's are not really designed for a stock ported engine. Get it ported and that will be the night and day difference your looking for. Bigger carbs will only make your shee even a bigger dog with those pipes and stock porting.




well where would be a good place to have the port work done? and how long does it usually take

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well where would be a good place to have the port work done? and how long does it usually take

I would do a little research on builders, there are plenty around and see who gives you the best customer service, prices and turn around time. Talk to him and see what kind of port work you need. My props go to Jeff at F.A.S.T. cause he built my motor and it hauls the mail but I'm sure there are others out there to. Try a search on porting and see what you get. Best of luck to you. :beer:

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It all depends on how buisy the builder is. there are lots of good people to do porting, all depends on how much you want to spend.


jeff at farm and sand toys



Passion Racing






Dan at A&S Racing


These are just a few.



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