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were the best place to put my bong in the banshee


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wow this turned into a pot debate ........

3.7 GPA here buddy

Private pilot ( going ifr soon )

own house with mortgage.

wife & kid on way


You got to grow up out that " pot is cool stage"....... EVERYONE smokes and if they say they dont , theyre probly too buzy rollin a joint. I hate to see this place go all pot headded out man , everyones on here for one thing only 2 stroke whip its ! Nothin like the smell of a powerful 2 stroke burnin ....... WOOO WEEE


im sorry if im rambling about the subject..... I just want to Keep this place clean man..... I dont want to sleep where you shit !


if there is a damn typo ? FUCK OFF i dont care .


I would definitely agree with you that everyone is on here to talk about one thing, banshees. That's exactly why I think this thread was so stupid and should have been deleted right away. What business does a retarded question like this have in any discussion? I guess I must be the one out of EVERYONE that doesn't/hasn't smoked, so please don't roll me into that group. I guess if we're talking about everyone's crack, Banshees, think about how much other stuff you could have done to your bike, house, trips you could take with your wife, if you weren't burning it up so to speak? :shrug:

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That is the most retarded thing I have ever heard. You should ride around with your local ambulance crew for a week or so and see the shit that they see. Then come back and tell us that "it doesn't impair your ability". Bet you'll think twice.


Thank you....


The reason they don't make it legal is because of a few reasons.


1. No easy way to tell if someone is stoned, like a breathalizer for alky. Red Eyes and laughing could mean anything....

2. No way to regulate it's potency easily. It's a plant...period. Alky has a certain percentage of alky in it...regulated, and controlled by the government.

3. Tax...the US Gov't would make so much money of legalizing it it's not even funny....


That being said, you're an idiot if you think it doesn't impair your ability to drive, etc., while you're on it.

Yeah, I've smoked it...years ago when I was younger, etc. Yep, I even inhaled...


This is a stupid fucking thread to say the least. Smoke 'em if you got 'em....stay off my riding areas/dunes/trails if you're gonna.

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That is the most retarded thing I have ever heard. You should ride around with your local ambulance crew for a week or so and see the shit that they see. Then come back and tell us that "it doesn't impair your ability". Bet you'll think twice.

You know i took you advice on that and i got free medical marajawana wana frem them :thanks::wub: :beer: :notworthy: :ninja:

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not going to get into the whole situation but I used to smoke about 6-7 years ago and quit because of my job. If I hit someone while on it, and kill them, its automatic manslaughter, no matter who was at fault.


I see nothing wrong with it. I'd love to be able to come home from a hard days work beating the shit out of my body and relax to a nice joint sometimes. It'll make aching joints and muscles relax better than a lot of muscle relaxers will. Thats why they give it to people with MS. It kills the pain better than all that govt bullshit.


and you're an idiot if you think these are the reasons why they dont legalize it


The reason they don't make it legal is because of a few reasons.


1. No easy way to tell if someone is stoned, like a breathalizer for alky. Red Eyes and laughing could mean anything....

2. No way to regulate it's potency easily. It's a plant...period. Alky has a certain percentage of alky in it...regulated, and controlled by the government.

3. Tax...the US Gov't would make so much money of legalizing it it's not even funny....



First off, they could easily develop a device to test for pot, they're already doing it in cars for the breathalizers.


They could regulate the potency on it. go to amsterdam sometime they do it over there all day long. A good buddy of mine was a mad scientist splicing together different plants to create some pretty amazing strands of plants.


Yeah, if they legalized it, they could tax it and the GOVT would get a ton of money. Or.....they could keep it illegal and the PEOPLE in the govt. can continue to line their pockets from people that are being allowed to slip under the radar, and also these big pharmaceutical companies, I'm sure they dont have any power and arent giving the whole nudge nudge.


About 13 years ago, My uncle and I traveled around the country for a summer. We were camping in Colorado and went hiking. I was 14 at the time and never really saw a pot plant and what I did see, didnt amount to what I now know they can potentially grow to. We were hiking and somehow walked upon this weed field of 8-10 ft high plants and it looked to be almost the size of a small cornfield. We made the decision to get out of there before we got shot. But you cant tell me a weed field that big would go unnoticed by local authorities? Yeah sure, every politician and cop is straight as an arrow.


Sure, it may slow your reaction down a little bit and being stoned off your ass riding is just plain stupid. But their is a difference between someone that smokes a couple times in their life, and someone that smokes all the time. If I would smoke now, I'd be nervous to walk down a flight of steps let alone ride my shee. I havent smoked in a good 5 years or so. But when you smoke all the time, you build a tolerance to the effects of it. Whats cool about pot though is that medicinally, it'll still help out those joints and muscles,



If you say you smoked pot and your against someone smoking a joint or two while out riding somewhere, then you never really smoked pot. Now if that person gives it to their buddy who never smoked,while out riding, I'm totally against that. If you're a true pothead, you cant ever really get too stoned, where as if your a drunk, you can still end up face down in a ditch somewhere. Thats the difference, any way you look at it.



Oh....and by the way....you're a fucking idiot for wanting to bring a bong out riding. You just made the statement to get some attention....and thank fucking god this thread turned and now has nothing to do with your question, and how much of an idiot you are

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Oh....and by the way....you're a fucking idiot for wanting to bring a bong out riding. You just made the statement to get some attention....and thank fucking god this thread turned and now has nothing to do with your question, and how much of an idiot you are


Not sure about the rest of the post, but I think this is the best part by far and sums it all up. :beer:


edit: almost forgot, can someone please DELETE this, PLEASE! It's got no place here

Edited by 2003LimitedBanshee
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