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Does anyone else get this


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I just got my newest banshee running, my last got stolen about 5 years ago, I havent had a total of 20 minutes around the hood and everyone on my street has come out and threatened to call the police and yell n sht! I know Im not supposed to ride and especially race up and down any road but damn like 6 different people came out to bitch. An talk to me like Im some punk kid.

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NYUK is right on that one. I haven't had a problem with any of my neighbors. I don't do it often and I don't constantly rip up and down the street. I might do it once or twice but that's it. I have a field across the street from my house and that's where i do most of my full throttle screwing around. Once I get my P.V. running I will be riding up the street to beginning of the path that goes around the outside of the field but I also keep it in 2nd and just cruise over there.

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if you live on a dirt road tell them to piss off because its perfectly legal to ride a quad on dirt roads in florida.


otherwise youre breaking the law.


but you seem to have some prick beighbors.


my neghbors came over 1 evening with some atv's and we spun donuts up and down the street. as long as im not riding in anyones yard, they could care less about what i do on my banshee.

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Yea I know its against the law, Ill bet my next paycheck everyone on this site has had their bike on the steet one time or another. I dont do it constantly, was for a little bit. Thing is I had a zuki 4 stroke and I would ride around for hours and not one person would say sht. I have alleys (dirt) that go through every block in my area so I usually ride through there. There is nothing but pavement where I live so I can only pack up and drive an hour or more for good riding. Its just weird all the sudden everyone freaked out when before no one said anything. One maybe 2 people I could see but everyone dropped what they where doing to yell at me like a litlte kid instead of calling the police. And riding spaces are taken away from asses littering/dumping, starting fires and trespassing, not riding on a surface streets for 5 minutes.

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I would stop, once you piss everyone off, you wont be able to ride anymore. I had the whole neighborhood petition against just me riding, and that was in my own yard.


Get used to driving an hour + just to go riding. Thats what most of us have to do.

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There is a hell of a difference between a 4 stroke and a 2 stroke, as far as peoples nerves go and their tollerance to ringgggggg tinnnnggg, tinnnnnnggggg, tiiiinnnngggggg, flyin' past their houses. I mean I have my banshee and can tollerate the noise. But I remember a while back my wife was really sick with a high temp and there was this damn kid that kept flyin' by my house on this little piece of crap. Well after about a half hour of this I went out side to grab the little bastard by the throat, and to my surprise it was my 11 year old daughter on her little friends suzuki.................... :banghead: :banghead:


But yeah, pissin' the neighbors off doesn't help the sport................... :thumbsup:

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My neighbors now usually go outside with there kids when they here my banshee.I always like to wheelie past them and stuff and they always wave and stuff.I always take them for some rides tho.Onlyy time I ever get chased by a cop in front of my house is when there is just one randomly passing by and sees me,Or when I go to the local riding spot thats by a main street.

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ya i used to get that all the time when i had my CRf i would go on loong rides all geard up with my camelback and people would wave and be super freindly when i had to pass through neighborhoods

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all I wanted to do was make sure my sht works. I just did a ground up. I dont want to go 120 miles and get out in the middle of no where and break down. They could just come out and ask nicely please dont ride near my house im sleeping I have pets, its annoying, whatever and Id go away. No need to be a dik! One guy had 2 cars parked on the sidewalk,.... not hurting anyone, so I called code enforcement. Next time one of their kids go by on a go ped or some sht maybe I should throw a stick in the spokes. Those arent alowed on the street either. I wouldnt Im not an ass!

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I would stop, once you piss everyone off, you wont be able to ride anymore. I had the whole neighborhood petition against just me riding, and that was in my own yard.


Get used to driving an hour + just to go riding. Thats what most of us have to do.



sounds like my neighborhood. Everyone hates me and calls my parents if anything bad happens no matter what it may be. I used to ride around my neighborhood all the time and they would send us letters with newspaper articles about a couple kids that got killed riding an atv on the street :verymad: I dont know if that was supposed to send a message or what.

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That must be some really picky neighborhood you live in. I live in the city so at times I've taken it out to test it. No complaints like that where the whole hood comes out.... .. on our street you hear Harley's, Hot Rods, Street Bikes, Low Riders & sound systems louder than exhausts, no complaints like Florida.

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