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Build Almost Completed Tell Me What You Think


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Well currently it wont start at all, Not enough spark :sad: ... It will only spark sometimes and even then very little. I think I know what may be causing it but I haven't had the time to fix it and try starting it again. I'm going to try and re-wire the whole thing, I already removed T.O.R.S. but I want to move the CDI and the regulator to the front to shorten the whole harness.. Also does anyone have a picture or a walk through of how to install the kick starter, it came off during the build and I tried to put it on the way I remembered but every time I kick it the gear goes to far and the kicker wont come back.. That why the kick starter is so low. I looked in the Yamaha service manual but I couldn't find anything that could help me. I ordered the Clymers manual but I haven't got it yet so I don't know if Ill find anything that will help me in there.. Any help would be appreciated.

Edited by xLastShotx
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I have been working on my Banshee for a while now and it is 95% done.. Just cant get the damn electrical to work :ermm:.. I rebuilt the top end of the motor, replaced the clutch, had the frame painted, removed T.O.R.S. and got some nice moose carburetor caps, polished the cylinder heads and the head and the clutch cover, rebuilt the carburetors, and a bunch of other misc. stuff.. heres some pictures of my banshees progression from when i bought it to how it is now.. Tell me what you think!


very nice!! you do need a seat cover to tie it all together. you can make your own @ http://webforce.nwrain.net/founder/cascade...tions/index.htm


and also where did you get tha sweet bumper? who makes it?

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when you put kicker on just get it as close to the clutch cover as you can with out it rubbing just kinda wiggle it on the splines then tighten it down i know by your pic you have it was to far back and your prolly only getting a 1/4 of a stroke.. before your foot hits the pegs.. if you dont understand just look at a few pics of banshee you will see how it goes.. this might even help ya get it started..

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I got the Clymer's Manual so I was able to fix the Kick starter.. I got spark, Compression, Fuel, and Air.. And it still wont fire :sad: . I still think it may be an electrical issue. Maybe no power to the cdi, idk. It pops every couple kicks but no matter how much i kick it it won't start. I have looked over the electrical diagrams and traced my wires, and everything appears to be correct. I'm going to bring it to my friends engine builder/banshee guy to take a look, hopefully he will figure it out.

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