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Engine Ice, mix with distilled water?


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Bike's got a little bit of engine ice left in it after i tore down a few weeks ago and I was wondering if I could mix it with distilled water? I know not to mix it with coolant but was wondering if I could just fill it up the rest of the way with distilled water or do I need to drain and do all distilled water or 50/50 distilled water/coolant? J/w what's the best idear.

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if your riding in temps that are in the negitive your a fukin clown in the first place :)


I agree w/ that, I try to at least keep it above freezing.


My problem is I tore it down and dumped most of the engine ice out and had asked for some for Christmas but didn't get it and I wanna ride this week and won't be able to get any unless I pay out the ass for shipping. I was just gonna top off with water to ride this week and weekend then get some engine ice on the way.

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Just use it straight. If you mix it, it will mess up the freeze protection. Even if your not riding, it can freeze sitting there so just use it straight.

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i think he as asking if it would be ok to top off his radi with distilled just to make it for the weekend... not to keep it mixed with the ice...


distilled water is one of the best things you can use to cool your motor... but there is no lubricant in it so your seals will dryout if you leave it for too long... but if you plan on draining your system and putting fresh ice in after this one ride youll be safe... thats assumming your not in temps that are under freezing...



Edit: rather then spending 18 bucks or what ever it cost to get the ice... get some redline water wetter... and mix it with distilled water... you can get several gallons of that mixed for much less then getting ice...

Edited by Bansh-eman
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I agree with bansh-eman, but rememeber redline water wetter does not have a freeze protection if my memory serves me correctly. Just a thought. :thumbsup:

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water wetter does NOT have any anti freezing additives... so only use it if your riding in temps above freezing...


It is all fine and dandy if you are going to add it, ride and drain right after. But to me that's silly. Why not just spend the cash now and drain it all, put in new, and be set through next summer? It's not the temperature when operating, but when sitting not being used in the winter time.

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Yeah I'm just trying to get by this time. Don't have anywhere in town to get Engine Ice right away or Water Wetter so I may just drain out all the engine ice that's in now and fill with a 50/50 mix of antifreeze and distilled water since it'll be setting awhile till the next time I ride it.


I wouldn't really say I"m "topping it off" b/c I think I drained most of the Engine Ice out when I took the clutch cover off and had to take the tube off of it. I at least know the radiator is empty so would it be good to just top off with distilled water and w/e Engine Ice is left in the motor or drain it all and go with a 50/50 mix?


Does the 50/50 antifreeze mix have the lubricants in it needed for the seals? I would assume it does since it's used in car engines.

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if thats the case then just flush out your old shit and do the 50/50 antifreeze distilled... it has lubricants in the anti freeze so your good... you can run distilled for awhile and have no problems... but you cant run it for prolonged periods and expect to not have seals dry out... for you , you just got to make sure your shit doesnt freeze while its sitting

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