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New Years Disasters?

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Lets see how many of you guys had a disaster or funny story to tell about.


I learned the hard way about drinking too much too fast and mixing liqours. I started off drinking Budweiser, ran out, went to lemonade with Everclear, ran out, ate about 10 lemon slices that where left, did shots with a few friends and downed a bottle of rum in 5 minutes(i had half, my friends came and went on the shots) all of this was in an hour and a halfs time. Made it till the ball dropped and passed out on a friends couch. Pulled some exorcist shit and puked all over hell. The couch was 3 days old and ran my friends mom 3 grand. I then went out to the porch leaned over the bannister and puked some more. Borke the banister. Went in stripped down and took a shower and wore my friends moms pants. I weigh about 230ish and her mom tips the scales at about 130 so needless to say i looked cool with about 15 fine ass chicks that was there. :shoothead:

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When I was in college I used to take a nalgene bottle and put 4 shots of everclear in and top it off with koolaid, then go sit in the hot tubs for the evening. Had a LOT of good times with the girls in the apartment complex I lived in because they always wanted a drink of my koolaid. ROFL! They knew what was in it, but I was a maintenance employee there so the management would let me take alcohol in to the hot tubs when other people normally couldn't. Thanks nalgene for helping support another college guy's good times!


he he

- Jared


Edit: Unfortuneately I was the same guy responsible for cleaning the filters and putting chlorine in the hot tubs the next day. Ha Ha Ha! Icky. I will very rarely get into public hot tubs now, because I know the sorts of things that go on in there, and I've seen what gets cleaned out of them. Ha Ha Ha Ha!

Edited by BigRed350x
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I had the worst new years.To start off I was showing of to some girls that came over my house.I was wheeling and scraped and cracked my taillight.Then like at 7 my friend came and we went riding with the girls.Well it was really wet and it was already like 10-1030 so we were in a hurry back to my house and all of the suddenI get stuck in this big ass muddhole.I tried getting my bike out for like one hour but I couldnt so I took off the keys and had to fit 4 people on a banshee.We spent new years all full of mud.Well I took a shower and tried going to sleep but I couldnt.It was already like 5am but I got my banshee keys and went to the riding place thats litterally 1 minute away walking.Well I couldnt find where I had left my bike and man was I pissed.So I call my friend and his dad to come on his bombardier 800 I think it is and we started looking for my bike.When we finnaly found it it was fine.My friends dad pulls it out.Ok so its finnally out and we get out of the forest and as soon as were turning the corner to get out of the forest and into my backyard a cop comes.well what do I do I obviously RUN because thats really what im used to doing.So ok I run and I know another way to get back into the trails so I go my secret way in and boom we got there safe.Man that 4x4 flies lol.Ok well we are there in the forest for about 1-2 hours.We decide its been enough hiding so we get out of the forest and go down the long street back to my house.OH BOY the first thing I see is 2 f150 police trucks parked in front of my house literally waiting for me and im like F**K.So I try and run again and all of the sudden my bike feels like its bogging out and it felt like one cylinder died.Well it was my gas that I ran out.By the time I put it on reserve and try and dip theres a police truck parked in front of me.Well he gets off and he was a obviously pist.He told me of all the trouble I cost them blah blah blah blah.So they get all my info and the other cop was silent.But all of the sudden he goes.What has pedron done to your bike(My mechanic 99performance)Im look at him with a face like WTF.Well he ends up telling me that he has a jet ski and all this stuff and that pedro is the guy that does all the work on his jetski.All they ended up doing was tierap my hands behind my back and take me to my house.So when we get to my house the cop was telling my dad evverything that happend and all the stuff.Then when the cop was leaving he ask me to ride my bike.Im like lol ok.And whatever he rode my bike and shook my hand and told me YOU GOT LUCKY FOR THE 99 sticker lol.Well that was my story lol.

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well i went to the bar. didnt get too wasted or anything. just a little drunk. went to an afterparty at a buddies house. walked in and saw a guy i knew wearing nothing but a towell.. not sure why. anyway, i was givin him shit about it and his bitch girlfriend starts runnin her mouth to me. im like, "chill im just kidding". well she doesnt stop. so finally im like, "shut the fuck up you stupid bitch". another guy, not the girls boyfriend says to me, "dont fuckin talk to her like that". i said "fuck you pussy, you arent gonna do shit". so there i am by myself, surrounded by 4 guys. 2 guys about my height and weight ( 5'9 and 180), 1 guy about 210 pounds and a little taller and the last guy about 240 and about 6'2 or so. so the biggest guy starts runnin his mouth and i get in his face and tell him to fuck off. he takes a swing and misses and we go to the ground. then i get jumped on by the guy in the towell. hes tryin to choke me out while the other guy helps hold me down. finally one of my boys pulls the guys off me and we leave the house. so im standin outside, pissed and callin my brother so i can make it a little more fair when all of a sudden the 240 pound dude comes runnin up behind me from behind the house. i kind of side step, and then stroke him. hes kind of leaning over and i muy thai kneed him right in the nose. we go to the ground where i knee him again really hard in the face and throw some good rights to his nose. he tries to get up and i throw him down a set of about 5 stairs. so hes crawling back up the stairs and i square up and boot him right in the face with my steel toed caterpillar boots. fight was over. im pretty sure he thought he was gonna handle me pretty easily, he thought wrong. some of his friends came out and tried to make peace with me. i told them id beat their asses as well and inside they went and locked the door. finally my bro shows up and hes pissed beatin on the house. these bitches wouldnt come back out..they were pretty tough inside tho. anyway, took care of one guy, now i gotta get the bitch that was tryin to choke me out. me and him have exchanged words before, but he got real shitty when i was ready to throw down. anyway, it was an awesome way to start the new year. :biggrin:

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well i went to the bar. didnt get too wasted or anything. just a little drunk. went to an afterparty at a buddies house. walked in and saw a guy i knew wearing nothing but a towell.. not sure why. anyway, i was givin him shit about it and his bitch girlfriend starts runnin her mouth to me. im like, "chill im just kidding". well she doesnt stop. so finally im like, "shut the fuck up you stupid bitch". another guy, not the girls boyfriend says to me, "dont fuckin talk to her like that". i said "fuck you pussy, you arent gonna do shit". so there i am by myself, surrounded by 4 guys. 2 guys about my height and weight ( 5'9 and 180), 1 guy about 210 pounds and a little taller and the last guy about 240 and about 6'2 or so. so the biggest guy starts runnin his mouth and i get in his face and tell him to fuck off. he takes a swing and misses and we go to the ground. then i get jumped on by the guy in the towell. hes tryin to choke me out while the other guy helps hold me down. finally one of my boys pulls the guys off me and we leave the house. so im standin outside, pissed and callin my brother so i can make it a little more fair when all of a sudden the 240 pound dude comes runnin up behind me from behind the house. i kind of side step, and then stroke him. hes kind of leaning over and i muy thai kneed him right in the nose. we go to the ground where i knee him again really hard in the face and throw some good rights to his nose. he tries to get up and i throw him down a set of about 5 stairs. so hes crawling back up the stairs and i square up and boot him right in the face with my steel toed caterpillar boots. fight was over. im pretty sure he thought he was gonna handle me pretty easily, he thought wrong. some of his friends came out and tried to make peace with me. i told them id beat their asses as well and inside they went and locked the door. finally my bro shows up and hes pissed beatin on the house. these bitches wouldnt come back out..they were pretty tough inside tho. anyway, took care of one guy, now i gotta get the bitch that was tryin to choke me out. me and him have exchanged words before, but he got real shitty when i was ready to throw down. anyway, it was an awesome way to start the new year. :biggrin:


Do you train at all? I know you are into MMA.

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My New Years sucked also. My boy had a party and I got wasted on Hennessy and coke. Then someone passed me a Moet bottle and I drink that also. 1hour went by and I was fucking throwing up all over myself, I was kinda ashamed in front of the girls who seen me drunk as hell. Good part is I didnt wake up with a crazy hang over LOL. Happy New Years Everyone.

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Damn Loco, I hope if we ever meet i dont slip up and say the wrong thing drunk. Oh yeah called my girl a slut so im single now. And her ex decided to fuck my truck up with pancake syrup, oats, gear oil, eggs, TP, slash the tires and bust all the windows out. Granted its just my work truck that was left at home last night, which is a 1990 Ford Ranger but god damnit its mine and i fuckin paid for it and that cocksucker is gettin a baseball bat to the face when i catch him out.

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Damn Loco, I hope if we ever meet i dont slip up and say the wrong thing drunk. Oh yeah called my girl a slut so im single now. And her ex decided to fuck my truck up with pancake syrup, oats, gear oil, eggs, TP, slash the tires and bust all the windows out. Granted its just my work truck that was left at home last night, which is a 1990 Ford Ranger but god damnit its mine and i fuckin paid for it and that cocksucker is gettin a baseball bat to the face when i catch him out.



Dude what you doing sitting in your ass right now?lol If you know were he live try and see how your bat of your choice holds up to his car and if he comes outside drop that bat and fuck him up.Or use the bat.And for the girl If she has a car well dont do no damage to the outside but try and see what that syrup and eggs does inside there gas tank.

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I'm patiently waiting for a few reasons. Its a 1990 Ford Ranger. I drive a lifted F-250 except when i work. The cops are involved and they will have to cough up the $ to fix the damge. They gimme the $ i buy cubs for the shee and baja the ranger. After all is said and done the louisville slugger is going at them. Im not a coward ass pussy I'll tell em I'm coming for before i do i wont sneak and do it.


Sorry for being so concise and prolly fucking up im multi tasking out of my ass right now.

INFAMOUS it sucks nuts to puke on yourself doesnt it? :yelrotflmao:

Oh yeah, im a pretty big dude refer to first post, and the dude that did this is like 5' 8" 170ish and I can fold that motherfucker in half without the bat I just want to make it interesting.

Edited by Dtomblin
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Loco always keeps the locals in their place. :thumbsup: :yelrotflmao:
ha yea. i found out this guy was from lincoln, nebraska. or at least he goes to school there. i bet he wishes now he woulda stayed there for new years.



Hey Loco, I take it you'll have a chance to serve up the guy in the towel since the party was at your buddies house?

Let us know how good of a brutal beating you give him! :biggrin:

yes most def. he will not be happy seeing me the next time i see him. i already didnt like him, now i have a real good reason to beat his ass..i cant wait.



Do you train at all? I know you are into MMA.
no. used to wrestle when i was little. my cousin has wrestled all his life and we used to go at it quite a bit. back in high school me and the boys would throw on gloves on the weekend nights and beat each other up. sometimes we would go bare knuckle body shots. fighting is first nature to me. it comes naturally which i know can be a bad thing sometimes.. but id rather be how i am than not.



Damn Loco, I hope if we ever meet i dont slip up and say the wrong thing drunk.
haha nah. i doubt that would happen.. im pretty easy going most of the time, but when the mouthing starts is where my easy going nature ends.. hope you get the fuckers who messed with your shit..
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