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Enigine ice Question


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I did a search and found nothing on my question. I went and bought engine ice for my new shee and the guy at the counter said that I HAD to drain all the old fluid out other wise it will f**k s**t up if it mixes. I asked him how it will f**k s**t up and what would happen if the 2 different fluids did mix, He looked at me like I was just asked the most retarded question in the world. If I do have to drain the old fluid and must make sure it's all out how to I flush the entire system before I put Engine Ice in. Thanks in advance.

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It wont do anything if its not all flushed out. Get out what you can, and dump it in. I had a little bit of green left in my KFX and it didnt do anything.

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Thats what I did too diff. Never hurts to be safe on those kinds of things. Just seemed like there was a tiny bit let even after I flushed my KFX out.

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I drianed my coolant. Then filled it up with prestone coolant system flush and distilled water. Ran it for a while. Drained that filled it up with just distilled water. Ran it for a little while. Then drained it. You can take out the little bolts out of the cylinders to help drain the excess water out of the cylinders. then just pull the water pump cover. If do the final drain while the shee is still hot it will help get all the water out.


One jug was enough for my banshee with my cool head.



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Just run it on methanol. No worries of it getting hot. LOL! :thumbsup:


For me that would be a huge change, That would be like going from a 4cyl car( My '99) to a Super charged Vette(my '05 if on methonyl)..... baby steps....baby steps :beer: But one day i will get there.

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I had the clutch cover off cause I put in a new clutch. When I had it off I put the aircompresser hose into the coolent line after I tilted the banshee on its side and blew a lot more coolent out of the system.


Dont know if I would reckomend it, Might maby blow a gasket or sompthing. But that is what I did.

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I had the clutch cover off cause I put in a new clutch. When I had it off I put the aircompresser hose into the coolent line after I tilted the banshee on its side and blew a lot more coolent out of the system.


Dont know if I would reckomend it, Might maby blow a gasket or sompthing. But that is what I did.



Yeah I accidentally did that with mine a few times and made a damn mess. Don't think it'd hurt anything really.

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