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Hangover cures

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New Years is comin and i got to work early the next day, unffortunatly latly i have been gettin hangovers that make ya feel like shootin yourself, anyone got a cure? I no the whole drink lots of water but it usally comes right back up on me, back in the day i smoked some uncle bob and that was actualy a real good cure but i dont smoke anything anymore so i need some advice THANX

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I would try to just have a good time without drinking so much that you know you will have a massive hangover. I know I have to get up early everymorning, so the best thing to do is just limit yourself the night before. There is no real cure for a hangover but time.

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what a noob post. you should try the search button. theres hundreds of threads from alchaolics like myself who have posted theyre very own ways to get rid of hangerovers.


drink hangover off.

Yep, best thing for a`hangover is another drink. I know it doesn't sound good, and before you drink it, its the last thing you want. But after a couple beers, the hangover is gone.


Other than that, I usually take a couple tylenol, glass or 2 of water, a shower, and if possible, smoke some pot.

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Yeah I can either drink and wake up fine or drink and wake up, well you know. I found consumption of cirten things mixed are hell. If your going to drink stick to beer if your drinking whiskey stick to whiskey. Thats the best advice you are going to get other than dont drink to much. Hangover cures dont work well. Ive tried that new drink AH at 8 dollars a 4 pack and it dident do a damn thing. I do try to take a multi vitiman before and after I drink and lots of water and a COLD shower afterwards. Everybody drinks to much on new years though. Its New Years.


My Uncle once said to my father "I feel really bad for you that you dont drink" my Dad said why "Because when you wake up in the morning thats the best your gonna feel all day"

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Hangover is caused from dehydration (alcohol is a dieuretic) also pulls potasium from the body. Only way to prevent it is to replenish what's lost. Take your pic, v8 or orange juice at a ratio of 3 to 1, or 8 oz's of juice to 24 oz's of beer.

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We have a family member that's an RN, and she said that the first thing they give anyone put into alcohol detox is vitamin B12, because alcohol destroys all of the B12 in your body. Take some B12 before drinking, and the morning after, and see if that helps at all. Just what I was told.

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Hangover is caused from dehydration (alcohol is a dieuretic) also pulls potasium from the body. Only way to prevent it is to replenish what's lost. Take your pic, v8 or orange juice at a ratio of 3 to 1, or 8 oz's of juice to 24 oz's of beer.


I trust this. Sounds legit and something about Brad's screen name suggests he knows something about medicine. :biggrin:


Other option is not to drink alcoholic-beverages (sorry had to be said).

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We have a family member that's an RN, and she said that the first thing they give anyone put into alcohol detox is vitamin B12, because alcohol destroys all of the B12 in your body. Take some B12 before drinking, and the morning after, and see if that helps at all. Just what I was told.



thats very true ^^^.... the only instant real cure for a hangover is a injection of synthetic B12 ..my father was a medical coreman i n the navy on anaircraft carrier in the 70's ,him and his buddies would hoop it up get tanked all night long and in morning they would do the B12 injections and reported it would instantly snap you back to normal

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