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saddam is dead...


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how we would go about helping these people who you think deserve our help more.


I dont' understand how we're helping other countries by invading thier homeland, killing hundreds of thousands of thier men, women and children, destroying thier cities and infrastructers and sending thier country into a civil war. who the hell wants that help ? Remember how the Iraqi's were going to welcome us as liberators ? We had the chance to be noble in Iraq and wow, it sure turned out like crap, kinda like I said it 3 years ago.


We should be pro-active towards countries or organizations that pose a real threat to the USA or attack one our allies.


Just want to sum my opinion up with.... Im glad Saddam is dead, he was truely evil. I don't think his head was worth the 3000 of my fellow Americans lives, hundreds of thousands of Iraqi lives that died in this war and the billions of American taxpayer dollars. And the real pisser is.... OBL or one of his cronies is still out there plotting. Al'queda is the true enemy.

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well like i said there not going to tell us the things we dont like to hear why the hell would they

humm that sounds fimiliar!!! how about the good things troops are doing... rebuilding schools, or how about the amount of energy the country is now producing that by the way is 10 time the amount per war... there are more businesses open now then pre war in baghdad alone.


here's a thought Brooke and Rippin, if you are so gung ho about President Bush's Iraq war plan, then why the hell are'nt you over there fighting for democracy.


Someone tell me, what is the single most valuable commodity in the world ?

Someone tell me, does Somolia have vast oil reserves ?

Your genocide reasons are biased.

China and Cuba are Communist countries, should we invade them, Im sure alot of thier countrymen were killed by thier government. Look, im not even going to argue your point over invading Iraq because of the Kurd massacre, your point is retarded.

lol i like how you dont include me in your first statment... that probly because i have been there whre you have not.... you have all the answers, why arnt you doing something about it? you know meat me and polish got into it over the religon topic on our way out to glamis this weekend and when i got home a 2 year old topic about it was brought out on the forums... i read what you said and i could not agree with you more... i was like man this meat character has got some brains but your now making me think other wise....


id have to say the single most valuable commodity in the world would be air ... but in monitary terms for sure its oil... and it just so happens we are fighting in a country that has much of it.... how ever if we are profiting from it then why is our deficite growing? i guess casue all that profit is going to geedubbs personal bank account right?


and for the record we did invade cuba and we failed to take over the country... and we still remain in cuba in gitmo.....

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32:1 don't leave the conversation. Its all good no matter what side your opinions on. Debatin' this stuff should be takin with a grain of salt. Tell us what you really think and don't be afraid of what people might hollar back at ya.

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meat you sure have a twisted view of the world. the US is the bad guy huh? nice. well youre lucky you live here, if you said that in iraq, sadaam would have had you killed and the women in your family raped and tortured.

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humm that sounds fimiliar!!! how about the good things troops are doing... rebuilding schools, or how about the amount of energy the country is now producing that by the way is 10 time the amount per war... there are more businesses open now then pre war in baghdad alone.



lol i like how you dont include me in your first statment... that probly because i have been there whre you have not.... you have all the answers, why arnt you doing something about it? you know meat me and polish got into it over the religon topic on our way out to glamis this weekend and when i got home a 2 year old topic about it was brought out on the forums... i read what you said and i could not agree with you more... i was like man this meat character has got some brains but your now making me think other wise....


id have to say the single most valuable commodity in the world would be air ... but in monitary terms for sure its oil... and it just so happens we are fighting in a country that has much of it.... how ever if we are profiting from it then why is our deficite growing? i guess casue all that profit is going to geedubbs personal bank account right?


and for the record we did invade cuba and we failed to take over the country... and we still remain in cuba in gitmo.....


First of all, we didnt invade Cuba. The bay of pigs invasion was Cuban rebels backed by our government, it was hardly a full scale american attack. Our government helped out a few scruffy cuban rebels to try to overthrow Castro. Secondly, Cuba HAD RUSSIAN MISSLES POINTED AT US. Real missles.


Oil in Iraq. Maybe it is a conciondence that we fighting for control of the worlds second largest oil reserves. We and GWB are not profitting from it today, but we will reap the rewards over many many years, and frankly thats great in my opinion. Gimme all the oil we can get before its all gone. My point is, Somolia and the 20 other non-oil producing countries can kill everyone of thier citizens, if we're so rightous, if we're such the great Superpower, then technically we should invade all countries equally ??!!


Our deficit. We're spending 800 million dollars per month in Iraq. The oil in Iraq is still owned by the Iraqi people, Iraq is not going to give us the estimated 2 trillion dollars we've spent on this war with 2 trillion worth of oil, they should, but its not gonna happen. Look at the price of gas and heating oil lately ?? We're not gettin' jack shit worth of oil.


"you have all the answers, why arnt you doing something about it?" First of all, I don't support this war, so it makes no sense for me to go to Iraq and fight it, secondly I am and have been doing something about it, I am very outspoken on this subject and debate it every chance I get. I hope I'm the voice of reason, agaist the warmongers that are so scared, so blindly pissed off about 9\11 that they want to bomb everyone who wears a turbin. And thirdly....(is thirdly a word?)... and thirdly... I voted for change last November, lets give the Democrats thier chance to fuck it all up, which they will do. Im just hoping they don't fuck up as much as the Republican government has with thier invading Iraq, letting OBL and Al'quada continue to terrorize and pissing off a billion middle eastern folk.


this meat character has got some brains but your now making me think other wise....

I think you have me confused with someone else :biggrin: . Ya know I heard this "got some brains" comment before and it does put a smile on my face when someone says that kinda stuf, but in reality.... I just have a high school education. Im really just a "redneck coal cracker spewing out big words". I have a very different philosohpy on life than most people, I have no doubt about that, does it mean I got some brains, prolly not. def not :whistling:

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what the hell does that have to do with anything

im just stating my opinion it might be wrong I really dont know, u arent in the head of the man so u dont know either



who in the hell cares about opinions. opinions are worthless words unless they're true. I don't care whats in his head, I thought you were going to give a direct link to his bank account.

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the US is the bad guy huh? nice.


oh come on.... you didnt understand anything I said !!??


People, this is a fine example of propaganda the extreme right wing people will say to rally others to thier cause. Invade meat !!! Hate meat he's anti-USA, anti-Troop !!!









I never thought id utter the words "invade meat" :huh:

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who in the hell cares about opinions. opinions are worthless words unless they're true. I don't care whats in his head, I thought you were going to give a direct link to his bank account.



actually if you do a little research, every and all public officals financial records (as well as any and all information about any publicly elected official) are available to the citizens of this country!

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Ok, more Americans and people across the world now oppose the Iraqi war more than ever, people are pissed with how badly things are going, its a moot point to argue it anymore. So lets get on this subject.... So now that Saddam is dead, what should we do with the Iraq mess ? Pull troops out ? Add more troops ? Let the Iraqi's go into full bore civil war and let them hash it out ? Partial pullout ?? Invade Iran ?? Invade Amsterdam ?

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I have a very different philosohpy on life than most people,



now this grabbed my attention! As I sit here with bated breath and have yet to read any of this unique life's perspective from previous post. Could you have mercy on me and release some of these hidden treasures.

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