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saddam is dead...


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Its not like we can just pack up the troops and leave that quick. It is a long process, and if we leave, that place is going to be a bigger mess with more violence then ever before. Granted it wouldnt be out people dying yet, but then when we did have to go back to fix what we left, it would just be that much harder. Everybody would love to blame it all on Bush, but what would someone else have done? If you want to see a mess, just wait till Hillary gets elected, then you will see shit hit the fan over there.

Totally agree..


Bush is just as evil :evil: . What if another country captured Bush & punished him for all the crap he's done???



Wow... You need to quite watching and basing your opinion off the mainstream media.. Try using common sense..



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I was waiting for some kind of reply from Texas :laugh: Texas don't like my Bush bashing! Sorry he had to live there & sorry you're all for the worst president ever! It's not a joke & not kiddin' either.



Ya after I said that I noticed where you were from, then it all made since. You must be to young to fully understand what is going on over there or are just scared that you may end up having to fight for something someday yourself. :thumbsup:

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Well I would rather have them fighting and blowin' shit up over there and not here. If they are occupied there then they won't focus so much on inocent people and more on people who are trained to fight. I wish all the troops could come home safely, but unfortunately that doesn't look like it is going to happen any time soon. Maybe if Washington would let the military do what they need to do and stop interfearing then we could make greater progress...................

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Well I would rather have them fighting and blowin' shit up over there and not here. If they are occupied there then they won't focus so much on inocent people and more on people who are trained to fight. I wish all the troops could come home safely, but unfortunately that doesn't look like it is going to happen any time soon. Maybe if Washington would let the military do what they need to do and stop interfearing then we could make greater progress...................

Amen to that! But instead we have to be humane and fair... Thw Bush haters and Dems think that pulling the troops is the answere and want change.. Unfortunatly they will win in 2008 and pull the troops out.. I just hope the "change" that we have comming isn't bringing the war back to our homeland like I fear it will.. All you Dems better think about "what if the "change" holds a less desirable outcome"? Say.. Higher taxes that will be paid to terrorists to "leave us alone" and will only end up attacking us later??? As I said before, Saddam swinging is a step in the right dirrection and one that won't need to be taken later..



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If the democratic congress falls on their faces between now and then, then they may not have this thing in the bag yet. I mean their whole stand for the recent elections was bring the troops home and the big mistake that the current administration made. But recently I have been hearing about congress wanting to strengthen the troop levels, so it sounds like they are doing a little back peddling. Dems or Reps are all the same it just depends on which ones get caught doing bad things, and when they get caught doing them............. :shoothead:

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Ya after I said that I noticed where you were from, then it all made since. You must be to young to fully understand what is going on over there or are just scared that you may end up having to fight for something someday yourself. :thumbsup:

I guess if I wanted to be in the service I would. We can go back n' forth on this & won't change the fact that we really do have a dumbass mofo for a pres. Argue with it all you want but you won't change your pres & you won't change my thoughts.

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I guess if I wanted to be in the service I would. We can go back n' forth on this & won't change the fact that we really do have a dumbass mofo for a pres. Argue with it all you want but you won't change your pres & you won't change my thoughts.



Explain where and what he has gone wrong on and how you would fix it or how you would have done it differently. Just wait till we have a dyke in office in a couple and then its going to suck. We will all get our asses taxed off and not have a pot to piss in by the time we are done paying taxes. At least Bush is cutting that shit down.

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