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saddam is dead...


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did you know that while he was on trial, the personell in charge of keeping an eye on Saddam played the south park movie continuosly for like 3 days on a TV by his cell?


Good, but I hope they weren't Americans. Some liberal junior-grade JAG who has never been in-country or experienced combat will love to armchair quarterback that situation. :shoothead:

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Man that mother fuckers neck is worn the fuck out. He grew about 8 inches today. And didn't have to take any miracle pill.


And in response, no the violence and everything is not going to slow down any over here with the way our Government is as well as their own. As said in an above post, December has been the worst month THIS year, but does anyone remember the beginning of the month? Perhaps the Iraq Report sounds familiar? The week after that came out 35 troops were killed.


Hell I"m sittin here right now in B-town and I just heard one hell of a fire fight about a mile off. Nothings getting calmer over here. They just keep getting more confidence when the people they are fighting are have no backing by our own government. Thats my .02 tho, and I am sure I will be told I'm wrong, I just know that I am living this first hand.


Doesn't help also that his execution came on the last day of the Hajj, where all the prilgrims are at Mecca chillin out walking around their holy shrine. They did that on purpose because its a mainly Shi'ite holiday, and Sadam was Sunni. This signifies the main split in the two religions. Waaay back when it happened.. So for him to be excuted on this day that the Shi'ites hold as one of their holier days, its very significant and the Sunni insurgency will say shit about it all and blow shit up just to show they are pissed.



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FUCK BUSH!!!!!!!

Thanks for your well thought out and mature comment :shoothead:


I don't think its gonna end violence but atleast what was said was gonna be done is done.. This is only a step and there are many more to come.. It sucks that there has been so many deaths this month but it is war... It would definatly be nice to see the light at the end of the tunnel on this thing but I personaly don't see that till 2008 when the dems get their "change" like they want.. Then I guess we will see what pulling all the troups out will do..



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Ya the Dems will get into control, pull all the troops. Then Iraq will be worse than it ever was. It would have been better to have never gone over then to leave before the job is complete. SGT Seth where are you at? Green Zone, Camp Victory, Liberty. Be safe dude. My company plans a reset on some 1114's if I am in your area I will look you up. Forgot to add glad saddam has finally been punished for what he did.

Edited by dalegoldston
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Its not like we can just pack up the troops and leave that quick. It is a long process, and if we leave, that place is going to be a bigger mess with more violence then ever before. Granted it wouldnt be out people dying yet, but then when we did have to go back to fix what we left, it would just be that much harder. Everybody would love to blame it all on Bush, but what would someone else have done? If you want to see a mess, just wait till Hillary gets elected, then you will see shit hit the fan over there.

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