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saddam is dead...


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Iraq was not the enemy that caused 9-11. We had no right to invade. 3000 dead lies directly on our douchbag of a presidents shoulders. You cant just go invade countries cause your scared.

Your obviously uneducated in the matter... What do you call helping in funding and training the Taliban.. Or how about giving them weapons or how about offering Iraqi citezens to have their families completely taken care of if they commit a act of terrorism.. Turn off CNN and turn on common sense.. To say that Iraq had no part in 911 is retarded.. Besides that Saddam had PLENTY of chances to disarm.. Wait.. Why am I going over all this again?.?.? Do a search, this has been covered..



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Iraq was not the enemy that caused 9-11. We had no right to invade. 3000 dead lies directly on our douchbag of a presidents shoulders. You cant just go invade countries cause your scared.

brotha man iraq had more to do with it then you think... they had milita camps that where supported by the iraqi gov and where allowed to train terror cells in the country... not to mention... the soccer players from the olympics that where torrtered and killed along with thier families for the simple reason they lost to an enemy country and made thier country look weak.


i have been there and seen things that you people that critizes could not even fathom....


graves where countless bodies where dumped with no records of who was left where... we where trying to help families find thier dead loved ones that where killed becasue they did not want to fight the us military but when you find numerouse graves that are about the size of a football field endzone and 10-20 feet deep, or prison cells under hospitals that reek of death where there is a metal chair with shackels and "tools" on the floor. that gives me reason enough to fight for the people in that country! no bush isnt perfect and its very ez to say he should have done this or he should have done that... but the fact is he didnt so now we got to finish what we started... and like said he dosent make the sole decisions... he is simply a scape goat for the gov to pawn things off on much like Oliver North... if you dont know much about that read into it youll understand what im saying...


it just really fires me up to read some of the ignorant post people make about war isnt the answer and all kinds of nonsence...


fact of the matter is this country and everyther country was founded by wars, they have been around from the time man stepped on this planet and they are going no where until the day we all die....so instead of bitching saying he should have don it this way... how about doing something possitive and making an impact to help change rather then sitting back and loathing over what you would have done or what you think is right.

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see ppl get so caught up in all this shit ppl dont think to realize that theres worse things that are happeneing right now and everyday in Africa genocides daily but no u dont hear about that why would you whats in it for ppl they dont have any money like say hmmm oil this is reason why i really dont like Goarge Bush even though i know you have to pay attention becuse our troops are over there and need support but really i dont think thats were our soldiers should be serving theres greater good to be made elsewhere

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see ppl get so caught up in all this shit ppl dont think to realize that theres worse things that are happeneing right now and everyday in Africa genocides daily but no u dont hear about that why would you whats in it for ppl they dont have any money like say hmmm oil this is reason why i really dont like Goarge Bush even though i know you have to pay attention becuse our troops are over there and need support but really i dont think thats were our soldiers should be serving theres greater good to be made elsewhere

we have troops in africa... maybe its not to stop these genocides between guerilla fighters but we are there to help stableize the country...


th fact that the ppl in africa havent attacked america is probly one good reason we havent had a bigger foothold there?


ok i got to drop this thread casue im going to get worred up like the last thread like this one :whistling:

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So we should go and invade about 20 more countries then.... keep invading and killing and imposing our will on some arabs halfway around the world. Let me remind you that it was radical Islamist that bombed the WTC, not arabs, there is a big difference there.


The thought that invading Iraq was justified because they tortured and killed thier own people is bullshit, like I said before, if I can't see it from my frontyard, I don't give a rats ass if he tortures everyone in Iraq.


With the attitude that we should invade every county that has a ruler who tortures or has\had al'qiada camps.... we'll be in a 100 year war and your grandchildren will be fighting. With the kill-em-all theory who's next ? Jordan, Syria, Iran, North Korea, Yemen, all those fucked up African countries like Somolia and the African country that OBL lived and trained in for many years, we should be invading Pakistan and then hit up Saudi Arabia, then we take out Lebanon and since we're killin everyone who wears a turbin lets go fuck up Palistine and the Phillipenes.


Look man, its cool that saddam is dead, no one is arguein' that. The topic is saddam hanging. If we wanna talk about the clusterfuck\iraq war then lets make a thread in the roostin room. :unsure: :biggrin:

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we have troops in africa... maybe its not to stop these genocides between guerilla fighters but we are there to help stableize the country...


th fact that the ppl in africa havent attacked america is probly one good reason we havent had a bigger foothold there?


ok i got to drop this thread casue im going to get worred up like the last thread like this one :whistling:

Hey man, its all good... Go to bed tonight with the comfort in knowing that you have the ability to process information and use your brain/common sense.. Obviously others reley on the "teahings" of Mr. Moore and CNN to be their guiding light.. :shoothead:



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th fact that the ppl in africa havent attacked america is probly one good reason we havent had a bigger foothold there?


Agreed !! just like the assholes who flew into the WTC had NOTHING TO DO WITH IRAQ. They were Saudi citizens. In this day of spinning information, we can make a strong case that Lichenstein was involved with 9\11...... so... INVADE LICHENSTEIN !!!! and anyone who opposes the invasion is a damn liberal, who doesnt keep up with the "correct" news, the news that supports your views. :thumbsup:


Rippen, don't make personal attacks when your argueing your points, it makes you look desperate and takes away the credibility\merit of your points. :whistling: :biggrin:

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I shouldnt have been so 1 dimentional. I think Bush should have handled it better. He should have investgated more. there were no WMDs. He should have Listened to the UN. Waited a little longer there was no reason to go in so fast. Sadam invited the UN in to check for WMDs kicked them back out and let them back in again. Bush was on a personal vendetta. He had no exit staagy he dident have it planed out well enough. Now were stuck there. Now whos gonna be the last American to die in Iraq?

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we have troops in africa... maybe its not to stop these genocides between guerilla fighters but we are there to help stableize the country...


th fact that the ppl in africa havent attacked america is probly one good reason we havent had a bigger foothold there?


ok i got to drop this thread casue im going to get worred up like the last thread like this one :whistling:


i dont really agree with what you say, it gives ppl at good reason to stop terrorism to a certain point but you can only go so far dont you think that they have got a sufficient hold on the terrorism towards our countrys over there more troops are dying over there because of suicide bombers now, Also the genocides over there are not between the guerilla fighters there between the innicent ppl and the rebels. More people die over thre in a week than ppl in Iraq in a year. and really theres no one there to stabilize the country if there were then mayby it would be a more stable economy were the poor dont get raped and killed and children taken to camps to train and brainwashed into killing machines. Dont you think it might be about the money now ? or that bush had it in his head before he attacked Iraq that he might make money off of this? i dont honestly know but it seems a little weird to me.

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like it or not, we had the right to invade iraq because of his violations of UN sanctions alone. Bush's only mistake was putting too much emphasis on WMDs as the reason for invading.


there are two types of people here. those who are noble, and those who are not. as the worlds superpower it is our duty to spread democracy and protect those who are in danger under their corrupt leadership. this war is a noble effort.


why is it that everyone is ok with invading darfur, but not iraq? there was a genocide in iraq too. the UN is whats holding everyone back from helping those in darfur. we cant put everything on hold until we save darfur. once we invaded afghanistan, all the terrorists ran to iraq for medical help and cover. sadaam has been waiting for a good time to hurt the USA for a long time. he did try to assasinate one of our presidents. doesnt that bother any of you?


meat, your attitude towards the world is what got us attacked on 9/11. worry about ourselves and not whats going on anywhere we cant see from our doorstep. there are a lot of people in the world who want to destroy our country, not because we are evil, but solely because we exist. if we duck and cover, they WILL wipe us out.


27,566 us soldiers died in the two years following the attack on pearl harbor. we have only lost 3,000 so far in iraq. every death ihs tragic, but the fact is, more people are murdered here every day, than die in iraq everyday. and, correct me if im wrong, but i dont remember germany attacking us during ww2. japan did. so if we follow meat's thinking, how many more jews would have been killed in those concentration camps? when we entered germany we didnt even know what was going on there. we didnt find out til we saw it with our own eyes.


when we look back on this time in history, president bush will be seen as the noble hero he is.

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27,566 us soldiers died in the two years following the attack on pearl harbor. we have only lost 3,000 so far in iraq. every death ihs tragic, but the fact is, more people are murdered here every day, than die in iraq everyday. and, correct me if im wrong, but i dont remember germany attacking us during ww2. japan did. so if we follow meat's thinking, how many more jews would have been killed in those concentration camps? when we entered germany we didnt even know what was going on there. we didnt find out til we saw it with our own eyes.

someone said earlier in this post about how not everyone will agree with the president thats in office during a conflict...


alot of people dont know that there was a german upriseing in america during WWII that did everything possible to devert the gov from getting involded in the war but now 64 years later the man incharge is a hero ....


same thing will happen with this once it is done... and you will have the same crowd that insists we where wrong but the world will change and everyone will relize that the men and women did NOT die in vain...


and for you 32:1 iraq did have a genocied as brooke stated ... ever heard of the kurds?

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like it or not, we had the right to invade iraq because of his violations of UN sanctions alone. Bush's only mistake was putting too much emphasis on WMDs as the reason for invading.


there are two types of people here. those who are noble, and those who are not. as the worlds superpower it is our duty to spread democracy and protect those who are in danger under their corrupt leadership. this war is a noble effort.


why is it that everyone is ok with invading darfur, but not iraq? there was a genocide in iraq too. the UN is whats holding everyone back from helping those in darfur. we cant put everything on hold until we save darfur. once we invaded afghanistan, all the terrorists ran to iraq for medical help and cover. sadaam has been waiting for a good time to hurt the USA for a long time. he did try to assasinate one of our presidents. doesnt that bother any of you?


meat, your attitude towards the world is what got us attacked on 9/11. worry about ourselves and not whats going on anywhere we cant see from our doorstep. there are a lot of people in the world who want to destroy our country, not because we are evil, but solely because we exist. if we duck and cover, they WILL wipe us out.


27,566 us soldiers died in the two years following the attack on pearl harbor. we have only lost 3,000 so far in iraq. every death ihs tragic, but the fact is, more people are murdered here every day, than die in iraq everyday. and, correct me if im wrong, but i dont remember germany attacking us during ww2. japan did. so if we follow meat's thinking, how many more jews would have been killed in those concentration camps? when we entered germany we didnt even know what was going on there. we didnt find out til we saw it with our own eyes.


when we look back on this time in history, president bush will be seen as the noble hero he is.




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So we should go and invade about 20 more countries then.... keep invading and killing and imposing our will on some arabs halfway around the world. Let me remind you that it was radical Islamist that bombed the WTC, not arabs, there is a big difference there.


The thought that invading Iraq was justified because they tortured and killed thier own people is bullshit, like I said before, if I can't see it from my frontyard, I don't give a rats ass if he tortures everyone in Iraq.


With the attitude that we should invade every county that has a ruler who tortures or has\had al'qiada camps.... we'll be in a 100 year war and your grandchildren will be fighting. With the kill-em-all theory who's next ? Jordan, Syria, Iran, North Korea, Yemen, all those fucked up African countries like Somolia and the African country that OBL lived and trained in for many years, we should be invading Pakistan and then hit up Saudi Arabia, then we take out Lebanon and since we're killin everyone who wears a turbin lets go fuck up Palistine and the Phillipenes.


Look man, its cool that saddam is dead, no one is arguein' that. The topic is saddam hanging. If we wanna talk about the clusterfuck\iraq war then lets make a thread in the roostin room. :unsure: :biggrin:


Good point Meat

Innocent Americans will pay dearly for the mistakes of their tyrant Zionist Government. No matter who they take out Saddam, Bin Laden or whoever, it will never change the fact that america will forever be hated by thousands all around the world.

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