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engine sound


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hey could anyone give me some info I have a 1998 banshee with dynoport 2 into 1 exhaust and carb spacers and it just started makind a tiking sound after my last ride but i did over heat on that ride just wondering if anyone could give me an idea of were to start looking to get rid of it

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need to be a little more specific with the sound. can you hear it at idle or more so when revved up? is it a fast ticking, like everytime the pistons go up and down? hell ticking noises can come from anywhere. suspension, clutch, bearings, rings..hell damn near anything could possibly tick.

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Mine made a ticking sound until last week when I lightened one piston when I put a hole in it :banghead: But from measuring the cylinders it was probably because they were out of round and it was piston slap since the cylinders were wore out.


The good part is Redline is cleaning up the port work and fixing the nick in the base of the cylinder that caused me to blow the hole in the piston.


Hope you get it figured out before it becomes a really expensive fix.

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I agree dont run the thing untill you pull the topend if its a engine noise. i made the newb mistake when i first got my banshee and kept running it. It cracked 1 piston around the wristpin and the other piston threw a skirt. but they were crap pistons in there anyways and the guy i bought it from did a patch job.

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