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LT80 problem


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I have been working on this quad for a buddy. When he brought it over it didnt run. Well removed the carb and cleaned well...then changed the o-rings and changed the spark plug. After all that i put it back together and hit the starter. It started up after cranking a while and ran for about 5 min. and then bogged and died. And wouldnt restart.I cranked for a while and it kinda speeds up like it gonna start but just wont. I let it set for awhile and bam it started agian..and then the same thing, after about 5 min. of running it just boggs and dies.


I did a compression check and got 125, so im ok there.


But i did notice a lot of oil on top of head. I cleaned it off and when i ran it till it died i noticed that all that oil was back. Could i have a blown head gasket?

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You could be flooding it out. I had the same problem with my sisters and I started it with the choke rode it around with the choke on killed the choke and it worked. Try changing the fuel and oil if you still have the resivoir.


Though that is the best running quad I have ever seen in my entire life. 1992 had 1 rebuild. Just top end rings. and it still runs like a champ and we beat the PISS out of it. It has no buisness still running but it does.

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Well i power wased it and got all the oil off. I got it started after cranking for ever. I rode it around for a good 30min. And all that oil is there agian. A lot of it, im talking covered the head and down in where that fan is oil just laying in there. The carb isnt leaking fuel at all. I was thinking a carb thing but now i dont know, I did noticed the head bolts where not tightened to spec on torque(loose). So could i have a bad head gasket? I did tighten them down and its still hard to start and still tries to die at an idle.

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