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Shit you guys remember 2fun and skystutts and Howard O from the XDB. I used to love those guys even though Stutts was getting old and went over to the thumper side. I always figured Ide run back into 2fun and talk about my Banshee and shit. Little prick sold all of his 2 strokes and got a YFZ and talks about duners prespective. WITH A YFZZZZZZZZ!!!!!!!!!!!!


Holy shit. How shit changes.


If you see this 2fun you have some explaining to do pal! :down:



haha I cant believe it. All the shit that dude used to talk on thumpers.


Im sure some of you remember that dude.



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I know who your talking about. I pop into their site once in a while. 2fun was a big 250r freak before he bought the shees if I remember right.



Yeah. I shouldnt even of made this thread. I was just trying to roust some shit. My mistake.


He probably just got some sand in his vagina is all.

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