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Shoppin for new goggles


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I screwed up the 1st time I bought goggles b/c I just picked up the cheap MSR goggles at the shop I got my helmet at and I hate 'em. When I get them tight enough to fit my helmet/face they're basically cutting the blood off from my face and I literally get a headache. I also wear contacts and it never seems like they seal off, I always have air coming in and have to constantly blink, which is a PITA. Here's a few diff. one's I'm lookin at, let me know what ya'll think.


Keep in mind that I've got a fairly small head (small helmet). Let me know what ya'll wear.


Pics aren't workin...but I'm lookin at the O frame Oakleys, Scott 89 Xi, and the Smith Warp. I've heard really good things about all of these, but I really need somethin that fits my face...and I know that I really need to just go try some on, but I'm just lookin for some opinions. Thanks!

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I got my wife a blue pair of smiths with mirror blue lenses to match her machine and helmet. They are nice, thinking about getting my self a pair. I really like smith goggles.

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Does anyone have the Pro Grip goggles that are suppose to be Light Sensitive? I was wondering if they actually made a difference?

Yes I do as stated in the third post.I ride sand and they work great in those conditions.It doesn't take long at all for them to transition either.I will never buy anything else they are bad ass IMO.

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