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This thread is dedicated to comedians jokes skits whatever you find funny. I though about these comedians in another thread. Black comedians are funny as hell. Screw the black white jokes. who cares. And that IS NOT what this thread is about. :beer:


This to me was funny as hell. The part where he starts talking about self esteme. Thats the best part. Dont pay attention to all of the bullshit inbetween.





This is kinda messed up but cant help but laugh



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Oh God I had a good night. Have no clue what im doin here. haha I Got shot aint no music pay aint no bitches come out! ESTEME OF YO SELF. SHAVADANYAH.


4.43 seconds into it is whats up. Haha :yelrotflmao:

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Story. I was like 14 15 and I got in trouble with the law. My buddie yells 5555550000000 So we start running down this wet grassy hill. Im running he falls and slidessss past me I jumped over a gate ripped my pants at the crotch and steped into a mudhole with my left foot. So Glsssllluuuurp my shoe is burried. So Im running with split ass pants 1 shoe and I get out of the woods and see there are cop cars on the street so I jumped into some bushes. THORN BUSHES. I light up a smoke and just wait. A minute later I hear freeze stay still guns drawn the pick me up and cuff me. They took my to the paddy waggon and said your chariot awates. So this one cop stops me and says do you realize my LT was chasing your ass. I said awwwww Luteniant got his shirt dirty. Whaaaaaam rite in the jaw. I get up and get in the waggon. I somehow manage to get the cuffs from behind my back under my legs and in front of me to reach into my pocket and have a smoke. So were now in the station one shoe split pants and this female officer walks up to me and say excuse me son your testicals are hanging out. No underware. It happens again Ok son if I have to see that again we are going to put you in a cell. Kepp your legs together.


First and last time I ever got into trouble with the law. I have some good storyes but Im exhuasted I might post some tomorow if any of you feel like contibuting.

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