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So, how 'bout that Kramer?


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Links at bottom if you don't know what happened.


Personally, I think he went way to far. He was a little pissed off to begin with, which didn't help, and I'm not saying he's a racist but I have a feeling he's had a few problems with blacks that he's been wanting to get it off his chest but he let everyone know about it the WRONG WAY!!!


Hell, I have a bit of a problem with every race, INCLUDING MY OWN, but I know better than to offend people. I think he tried to save himself by going a differant way with it, like how certain words can be so "shocking" but it was to late by then.


I'll always be a Mike Richards fan but I have to say I've lost a little respect for him. Props for the appology though, I THINK he really means it even though I don't think it will help much.








Edited by 8buck
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I got Seinfeld season 7 on my Christmas list still!


How bout the guy calling him a "cracker-ass motherfucker" on the tape? I wonder if he's under the same scrutiny?


I couldn't give a shit. He just got caught. If anyone thinks people don't talk this way in EVERY race ABOUT every race, you're high.

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I got Seinfeld season 7 on my Christmas list still!


How bout the guy calling him a "cracker-ass motherfucker" on the tape? I wonder if he's under the same scrutiny?


I couldn't give a shit. He just got caught. If anyone thinks people don't talk this way in EVERY race ABOUT every race, you're high.

uhh nope, sorry. i dont recall ever yelling at black people, calling them niggers and referring to them being hung upside down with a fork shoved up their ass. :shrug:


a black person can yell racial slurs at me all day, i still wont return the gesture. im sure id insult them back, but not based on their race.

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If anyone thinks people don't talk this way in EVERY race ABOUT every race, you're high.

:notworthy: Dude, your 100% right. Personally, when I get angry I use racial slurs, mostly while driving in good ole NJ. I am the most non-racist person you will meet. A lot of times when your angry you will say the most hurtful thing you can think of, I agree it's not the right thing to do, especially while in public, and richards should be held responsible. I don't get up at my job and yell anything at people never mind racial slurs, so I don't think he should either. But I'm not going to sit here and act like it's completely unheard of.

Edited by LiftdT4R
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That's very noble of you.

isnt it better and more effective and more hurtful to insult people on things they have control over, not things they dont have control over? why insult someone cause they are black or white when you can insult them for being stupid or poor or something lol


loco insults me and calls me a scary mary cause i have black hair and pale skin. well guess what, i was born that way. i look just like my mom. that insult really doesnt bother me. its like someone insulting me for having blue eyes. ooooooo hurt me :rolleyes: its much more effective to insult me about things like what i say or what i like or the choices i make.


i just prefer to be a more effective hater.

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why insult someone cause they are black or white when you can insult them for being stupid or poor or something


Cause they played up to the stereotype.



I wouldn't apologize, if they had kept their f'n mouths shut he wouldn't have told them what he thought of them.


Brought it on themselves.

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If you want to insult someone, you hit them with what they are insulted by the most. Blacks are easy. They made it that way. They have blown a word up to be THE most insulting word in the English language.

Fuck that! Do I use it? yes. Would I call someone that without extreme duress? no. Should it be any worse than "cocksucking motherfucker"? no.

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loco insults me and calls me a scary mary cause i have black hair and pale skin. well guess what, i was born that way. i look just like my mom. that insult really doesnt bother me. its like someone insulting me for having blue eyes. ooooooo hurt me :rolleyes: its much more effective to insult me about things like what i say or what i like or the choices i make.


i just prefer to be a more effective hater.


See, in my experience that is pretty uncommon, people here anyway seem to take 800 times the offense when you insult them based on things they have no control over. Especially they're looks. I think you are definately an exception there. The you're so poor, or your so fat jokes only go so far. I'm not advocating any of this, just saying.

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If you want to insult someone, you hit them with what they are insulted by the most. Blacks are easy. They made it that way. They have blown a word up to be THE most insulting word in the English language.

Fuck that! Do I use it? yes. Would I call someone that without extreme duress? no. Should it be any worse than "cocksucking motherfucker"? no.


so true

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If you want to insult someone, you hit them with what they are insulted by the most. Blacks are easy. They made it that way. They have blown a word up to be THE most insulting word in the English language.

Fuck that! Do I use it? yes. Would I call someone that without extreme duress? no. Should it be any worse than "cocksucking motherfucker"? no.

i get what youre saying. but why insult a whole race when your target is one person? i donno.


See, in my experience that is pretty uncommon, people here anyway seem to take 800 times the offense when you insult them based on things they have no control over. Especially they're looks. I think you are definately an exception there. The you're so poor, or your so fat jokes only go so far. I'm not advocating any of this, just saying.

i donno. i couldnt care less if someone insults me on my looks or weight. ok well, maybe it does bother me some sometimes lol but not nearly as much as a far more personal attack on things i value much more. general youre so stupid or youre so poor stuff isnt very effective, you gotta get in their head.

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What the hell ever happened to "Sticks and stones..."? :shrug:


There are so many frivilous lawsuits these days clogging up the courts because every time anyone says anything about anyone of color or not three-generations deep in this country they are a racist. Bullshit! :down:

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