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ANother Effin Girlfriend thread

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brooke is a man hater through and through. simple as that. she claims to know whats up but she doesnt know shit. i went out tonight. i treated the hot girls like shit, and they ate it up. i sat there and watched some dudes tryin to be nice to them, and the hot bitches werent havin it. so i just kept on bein a dick. that shit works, whether she wants to admit it or not. its whatever. i pull ass all the time, and most ppl here know im not that nice of a guy...im sure brooke will have a lame come-back, she usually does. something about how i dont respect girls and whatever. and she will say i dont get ass, when in fact she doesnt know shit. but hey, if it makes her feel better, yea brooke, i dont get ass. ha, shit nigga. bitches flock to me, maybe its my stunning good looks. fuck i dont know but im doin something right..late

hey, congratulations, you're a tool. glad you're so proud. I'm sure it brings in all the high quality women. :thumbsup:

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your desperate attempts to get my attention are pretty pathetic.

No, but a good example of pathetic is a hyper emotional sociopath such as yourself. You can be found in the middle of just about every piss and moan thread on the forum. You seem to never tire of displaying your obvious hate for men or spreading lies and half truths for the sole purpose of starting arguments.

Yes, brooke, you are a classic example of a twisted sociopathic dyke who hangs out on an ATV site with a bunch of guys you seem to have little in common with.

That scary mary is pathetic. :thumbsup:

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No, but a good example of pathetic is a hyper emotional sociopath such as yourself. You can be found in the middle of just about every piss and moan thread on the forum. You seem to never tire of displaying your obvious hate for men or spreading lies and half truths for the sole purpose of starting arguments.

Yes, brooke, you are a classic example of a twisted sociopathic dyke who hangs out on an ATV site with a bunch of guys you seem to have little in common with.

That scary mary is pathetic. :thumbsup:

and you dug up a thread thats been dead for a week just to get that off your chest? do you feel better now? arent you the tool who threatened to sue this whole site? yeah i thought so.

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oh man. i still dont get why we are discussing this dudes love life on a quad forum. maybe some legit friends to talk to would be in order. not sayin you all arent great, but fuck, its still an internet site, not a coffee shop or your therapist. but i guess you use what you have right?

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and you dug up a thread thats been dead for a week just to get that off your chest? do you feel better now? arent you the tool who threatened to sue this whole site? yeah i thought so.

youre gonna get yourself in some trouble, kid. you cant mess with peoples' businesses. i hope mommy and daddy have a good lawyer for you.

my my, the kettle is so very black says the pot. Hahahah what a pathetic hypocritical two face you are!

And no stupid, I didn't "threaten" to sue the whole site, just loco. But I did it in a PM. Your stupidity is at an all time high tonight loser.

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my my, the kettle is so very black says the pot. Hahahah what a pathetic hypocritical two face you are!

And no stupid, I didn't "threaten" to sue the whole site, just loco. But I did it in a PM. Your stupidity is at an all time high tonight loser.

:yelrotflmao: you threatened to sue loco for deleting your posts. i threatened you because you threatened to hack my business sites. big difference.

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:yelrotflmao: you threatened to sue loco for deleting your posts. i threatened you because you threatened to hack my business sites. big difference.

LMAO, wow you are one stupid bitch. You never threatened to sue me! It was someone else stupid, LOL. I have never said shit about your business to date. Keep dancing puppet bitch!!!!

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LMAO, wow you are one stupid bitch. You never threatened to sue me! It was someone else stupid, LOL. I have never said shit about your business to date. Keep dancing puppet bitch!!!!

whoever it was, i dont remember, i cant keep track of all you tools.


anyways, im busy. keep talking to yourself if you want. :thumbsup:

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