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Xbox 360 vs PS3

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ps 3 is gonna crush x-box 360


In sales?

In japan yes, everywhere else probaly not!

the xbox didn't beat the ps2 because it was microsoft's first system and people were afraid to buy it at first. The price tag will also hurt the ps3. Watch for a price drop on the 360 also.


They are both good systems from what I can tell. Microsoft can't wait for this console war and they have good reason.


Does anyone know the current sales numbers for the ps2, xbox, and xbox 360?

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I feel the 360 is gonna be the winner this time. I read many reviews and tech articals saying the 360 is more advanced that the ps3 despite it coming out so much later on. Only downfall of a 360 will be the games as of lately though it seems everyone has the attention on making games for it. Not to mention the price your looking at 5-600 for the ps3 when the 360 is in the 300 range. In the end you just gotta sit back and see what happens. My money will always be for xbox though i wouldnt buy any other system.

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I just got Gears of War and it's prolly the best game I've ever played. Awesome graphics and gameplay. Also got Dead Rising. Amazing game. I think the 360 wins this one.


I have both those games, gears of wars is really really good.


I think with gears of war will hold people off untill halo 3. Then we will be waiting in Gears of war 2. It is the game the 360 has been waiting for. There are a lot of good games for the 360 but this one takes the cake.

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I read somewhere that the blue ray..... is a joke. It supposed to produce a better, sharper picture but the article I read said somethin' along the lines of "couldnt see any difference between blueray and reg ol' DVD on a hi-def" Sony's nuts if they think people are going to sell thier DVD's and players for this new blu-ray technology. Whats the real facts behind blue-ray ?? What are the benifits of blue ray ? How much sharpness can human beings take :blush: !!

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blue ray is the wave of the future my friends think of dvds as the new laserdiscs (nonexistant) If its no better why are people paying $800-$1000 for a blu ray player??? Because they are fucking awsome. You think the 360 has good graphics!!!! Just wait imagine looking at yourself in the mirror thats what kind of picture quality blu ray has!! I do think the x box is sweet I bought one but it will be going on the back shelf come next spring when the ps3 drops about $200 in price

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I read somewhere that the blue ray..... is a joke. It supposed to produce a better, sharper picture but the article I read said somethin' along the lines of "couldnt see any difference between blueray and reg ol' DVD on a hi-def" Sony's nuts if they think people are going to sell thier DVD's and players for this new blu-ray technology. Whats the real facts behind blue-ray ?? What are the benifits of blue ray ? How much sharpness can human beings take :blush: !!


Dennis, go to your local Circuit City, Best Buy, Ultimate Electronics store and see it in person. The Blu-ray technology is the best picture I have ever seen on anything, period!! Yes it is that good. This is 1080 progressive lines of resolution at it's finest. To appreciate it you need a 1080p television. Not all high def tv's are capable of even this high of resolution. Standard high def tv's are 720 progressive lines of resolution, big difference. Whoever wrote that article needs to see his local optometrist cause he can't see. The only downside to the Blu-ray is load time is like these game systems, takes several seconds before play begins.


I have the X-box 360 and it is a very nice unit. But, if people will go download the high def trailers of the ps3 and the x-box 360 and do a comparison of the game play graphics, then you will see the ps3 has an advantage in the high def realm of gaming.

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