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When you say you didn't take your bowls off before you cleaned them, what does that mean? Did you just spray the outside of the carb down, maybe inside the venturi as well?


Yes I just sprayed the carb with the bowls on. I just took the bowls out yesterday and took out the main and piolet and cleaned them with carb cleaner and I sprayed them out with an air compresser. There was no dirt and if there was tiny specs they are all out now. I still cant start it but I think I found the problem. I took my intake manifold off and the rubber wasent shaved down all the way. I put it up to the new reed and I could see a little light getting through. So next time I get to the bike I will take the orings out sand the rubber down real smooth then try it.

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Use a razor blade or knife and trim them down real good.


Yeah Im going to do that to cut the little bump off then Im going to put it in a vice sand it down with a file or something so its super smooth. Whats weird to me is the instructions in the V3 box says to cut it with a hacksaw. Why dont they just say cut it with a utility knife that would sure make it alot eayser and smoother. My guess is is if you do cut it with a blade you could go to far into the rubber. hmmm


Yep, what I did ^^


Then, took a coarse scotchbrite pad and angle die grinder to smooth her out.


I use a bit of high temp RTV skin coat to seal...as well.


Do you still use the gaskets and RTV sealer just for an extra seal? Or do you just use the RTV on everything instead of buying all of those replacment gaskets?

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