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I Voted......


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my mom called every few hours to pester me to go out and vote. i finally went like 2 hours ago.


my order of preference was to vote in people who are atheist first, the issues second, and if i didnt know their religion or the issues at hand, (like with judges) i just picked non foreign names.


i try to stick to this list http://www.godlessamericans.org/ under "who we are" but not many were up for me to vote on.

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Didn't vote, don't care, won't complain.

It is more important than ever to get out and vote. Many people think that their vote does not matter. Imagine if everyone felt that way. There have been many, many elections not just on a local level that have been decided by less than 100 votes. So thinking that your vote does not count could not be farther from the truth.


Maybe you feel that when it comes down to it, all the candidates are the same, so why bother voting. Even if this is how you truly feel, remember that the people that get elected may have an enormous impact on our you and your children's future, not just for 2 or 4 years but for 40 years. How? Because with each new Congress and President that is elected, there is a chance that a United States Supreme Court Justice will retire. The President alone has the power to nominate a new Justice, and Supreme Court Justices hold office for life. While Congress and the President may pass laws and veto bills, ultimately it is the Supreme Court that interprets the Constitution and consequently determines how each American will live his or her life.


So that is why you should care!

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I voted... I belive that anyone who doesn't has no right to bitch later on..




That is exactally what I think. Vote or keep you damn mouth shut. Oh and yes I voted.

Edited by theshee
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yep, it's unfortunate that one has to vote for what seems to be the lesser of two evils, at the time. government is so corrupt and in it for "itself" to keep the in's in, reguardless of what party they may represent is PHucking sickening. all of the ad compaigns that i've seen over the past few years has more to do with how PHucked up the opposition is than how a particular candidate is going to help us. if they had all of the answers and OUR best interest in mind they would work together to make this country a strong honest responsible society. which it isn't, and will only get worse, which will eventually be part of our downfall.

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so if i dont vote it will be a diff of 99... ???j/k i voted and i think everyone should vote... in iraq ppl went and voted with a chance of getting killed... hell we get to go with no worries at all so why not vote your chioce.. our town did good thou stopped them from adding salestax to pay for soccer fields that will be 10 miles away and cater to another school district.. so why should i pay for that..lol voted no.... we also had few other important issues.. so im glad i voted you should too....

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