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Anti-Virus/ Spyware

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Ok Im pretty good in these situations. Use AVG man. Use the free version too. I got keys and shit dont worry about it. AVG is all you really need. Take it.



I work in the IT industry....AVG is no where near the protection Norton can offer....you get what you pay for. Not to mention, their scanning engine is the worst in the biz (takes 3 times as long as others...)


You have to use a layered approach...no one product does it all.


Currently, the best paid for AVs are:



Norton 2007.





You need an active spyware/malware program, as well as a software AND hardware firewall if you're on broadband.


Try an alternative browser to Internet Explorer, too...


I use personally:



Norton 2006 Antivirus (AV only, NOT their firewall, too slow and resource hog)

Sygate Personal Firewall

Linksys Router/Firewall

Spywareblaster (prevents some, must be updated manually)

CounterSpy (the best spyware/adware preventer out there, but, it's 20 bucks)

I use Firefox as my browser, and have never looked back in years. The ability to customize your browser and their tabbed browsing is the best. I know IE7 beta has tabs, but not nearly as nice as Firefox...


Microsoft's Windows Defender, believe it or not, is the best free anti/spyware/malware/junkware program out there. It is based on a similar engine to CounterSpy...not quite as robust.



The days of free AV's being adequate, SpyBot and AdAware free being enough are gone....


They help, yes...but I do this everyday, all day. You'd be surprised what I find on user's PCs who thought they had enough coverage....


Oh...to add, occasionally I'll run an online scan as a backup to my passive antivirus.


www.trendmicro.com and panda online scans are very good as well...


By the way...here's a comparison of AV's from a non-profit site, as of May 2006.


AVG picked up 7% of the new spyware/viruses/etc., the worst in the group....



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Anytime, Tim.


I used to be the guy that bought the fastest PC, spent hours tweaking it, etc....


Then, I bought my banshee last year, now....PCs and computer networking, etc., are my main job (and side job)...but, these bikes are my passion.


I'd rather wrench on bikes than PCs/networks anyday....:)

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