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I just registered on ebay and Im bidding on an item. First thing I thought is well its going to be hard to flip a used product even though it was set at a dollar. I will NOT pull any stupid shit risking my name respect to me is as important as life itself. But if I dont get outbid at 12 bucks good I just made money. I looked at the other person who outbid me and I seen he/she is just starting out also. That means they dont have a damn clue about what they are bidding on so I said screw it ill let it go cause the bid will keep going up. Are there any other buisness skills I or anyone on this board should know?



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Never bid before the last hour unless its one of those frequent listings from a ebay store or a "buy it now". There will always be somebody to outbid you anyway, so the only thing your achieving is raising the prices for no reason. Go during the last hour of the listing and if the price suit you go for it. most likely the winning bidder is not there and you'l outbid him by 0.50$

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first i have learned dont bid till last 20 secs other wise you are just running bids up/// also you have to set yourself a max amount and last few sec bid that much if you win cool if you dont dont sweat it deals come around... but if you are interested in something just watch it till last minute if you want a deal.... if you get out bid its not a deal then if you bid last minute your top dollar... i have lost so many auctions in last minute by a dollar it aint funny... also if you see something at a buy it now price you are happy with go for it chances are it will go over it.. good luck hope my info helps...

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first i have learned dont bid till last 20 secs other wise you are just running bids up/// also you have to set yourself a max amount and last few sec bid that much if you win cool if you dont dont sweat it deals come around... but if you are interested in something just watch it till last minute if you want a deal.... if you get out bid its not a deal then if you bid last minute your top dollar... i have lost so many auctions in last minute by a dollar it aint funny... also if you see something at a buy it now price you are happy with go for it chances are it will go over it.. good luck hope my info helps...


I don't think there's any foolproof way to get deals on ebay. If you want something, it doesn't matter when you fucking bid, because some other jackass wants it just as bad and will ultimately raise the price to damn near retail. So you mash the Raise Bid button the last 2 minutes of the auction, because your arch-nemesis bidder wants it too. Then, it's no longer about the fucking item, it's "this bastard ain't gonna win", and soon you do the equivalent of going all in with a pair of fucking deuces in a game of Texas Hold'em. If you're lucky, you lose on the auction and laugh cause the other jackass just got his price jacked up at the last second, and you try again on the next auction.

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Sometimes when you think your getting a great deal you get screwed, i won a set of front and rear fenders at a no reserve auction for a total of $60 for my TLD pred, the ballsack keeps telling me he isnt home and is out of town, he def isnt and I caught him in the lie but he just wants more money. Its happened a few times to me, set a damn reserve if you want more money, not my fault your crap sold for a .01!!!


Other than that sometimes it works out

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I don't think there's any foolproof way to get deals on ebay. If you want something, it doesn't matter when you fucking bid, because some other jackass wants it just as bad and will ultimately raise the price to damn near retail. So you mash the Raise Bid button the last 2 minutes of the auction, because your arch-nemesis bidder wants it too. Then, it's no longer about the fucking item, it's "this bastard ain't gonna win", and soon you do the equivalent of going all in with a pair of fucking deuces in a game of Texas Hold'em. If you're lucky, you lose on the auction and laugh cause the other jackass just got his price jacked up at the last second, and you try again on the next auction.

this is why you set a price to bid at the last minute .. a price you think is a good deal if you get outbid the other guys gets a not so good deal... the trick is to setting your top dollar and not going above it to just beat the other bidder....

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I don't think there's any foolproof way to get deals on ebay. If you want something, it doesn't matter when you fucking bid, because some other jackass wants it just as bad and will ultimately raise the price to damn near retail. So you mash the Raise Bid button the last 2 minutes of the auction, because your arch-nemesis bidder wants it too. Then, it's no longer about the fucking item, it's "this bastard ain't gonna win", and soon you do the equivalent of going all in with a pair of fucking deuces in a game of Texas Hold'em. If you're lucky, you lose on the auction and laugh cause the other jackass just got his price jacked up at the last second, and you try again on the next auction.



Ah yeah. Good point man. Thats what I was saying. No point in bidding if you know your not going to get it. Some people do but it comes natural to some people to actualy KNOW your just raising the bid. Doesnt really matter a deal is a deal. If you get it great but if you dont. DONOT RAISE THE BID!


Im bad at cards though. :laugh: Texas holdem chill. Ill keep the money in hand!

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as a seller, i love it when people bid my shit up with 4 days to go or something like that. i just sit back laughing and watch my profits go up.



that should be the number 1 buying rule on ebay. dont bid on ANYTHING untill the last 20 seconds.

one the less, when the price of an item triples in the final 20 seoncds, its great fun to watch all the snipers come out of the woodwork. i even congradulaed one guy for a great shiping job during the item won email. he won the item by bidding with 2 seconds to go. he outbid the next guy by 50 cents or so.


maybe he was using a sentry. who cares i made out like a bank robber so it doesnt matter.

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It all depends on what I'm buying. Some things I really want I bid on early with a healthy bid. If I don't care about the win I will put in a bid I think will steal it at the last second. If I don't win oh well. Most importantly watch for the good deals. I feel that 99% of my profit comes from advertising. Make it sound good but be honest in your description. If it is dirty then clean it. That always makes more money for me.

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first i have learned dont bid till last 20 secs other wise you are just running bids up/// also you have to set yourself a max amount and last few sec bid that much if you win cool if you dont dont sweat it deals come around... but if you are interested in something just watch it till last minute if you want a deal.... if you get out bid its not a deal then if you bid last minute your top dollar... i have lost so many auctions in last minute by a dollar it aint funny... also if you see something at a buy it now price you are happy with go for it chances are it will go over it.. good luck hope my info helps...



well said :beer: my thoughts on ebay exactly

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