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For the drinkers Under 21

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Guess u guys arnt really familar with the whole concept, my id has my pic and my info, fake ids are for sale all over the internet, theres actualy sites u can order em off they usally go for bout 100 bucks or so, guess it wasnt thread worthy just thought more people would have seen one before or had one my bad :thumbsup:



did you get yours over the internet? which site?

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I got mine in nyc they sell em at about everycorner, but u can get extremly good ones around the internet ill get a site for ya so u can check em out


no thats alright, i already have one. it's just someone's old ID though. it works fine at liquor stores and resturaunts or if a sorority throws a party they have to do it at a bar, then the bouncers are really easy on IDing. But usually it's not good enough for city bars.


i have heard of a few people around here that do them well, black lightable, scanable, and hologram. so when i can get hooked up with someone like that I'll probably get one with all my stuff on it. I have heard of a lot of people getting ripped off from the internet sites, so I'm gunna stay away from those.

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