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For the drinkers Under 21

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Had to do it i feel left out of all these over 21 posts. Im 19 and look probably 16 or so ....so without my I.D no beer for me, ill get picture of it up.. Anyone else got one


Not thread worthy

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shit ya i have one. use it like its really me, only got 2.5 months to go though.


im the fourth person to have mine, its gone around to our friends as weve gotten older. i have the damn thing memorized to a tee.


im legendary and i think its worthwhile, relax novice. haha

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Had to do it i feel left out of all these over 21 posts. Im 19 and look probably 16 or so ....so without my I.D no beer for me, ill get picture of it up.. Anyone else got one



Let me give you some advise. Dont post your fake ID on the internet you could get whoever is on that card in some serious shit man. Seriously. We all did it some of us dident have to and no Im not condoning it do what you do but the internet is no place to brag and show your FAKE ID CARD. Thats all Im saying.

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Let me give you some advise. Dont post your fake ID on the internet you could get whoever is on that card in some serious shit man. Seriously. We all did it some of us dident have to and no Im not condoning it do what you do but the internet is no place to brag and show your FAKE ID CARD. Thats all Im saying.

Good call man, thats the first thing I thought when I saw the thread. I got one, but nobody needs to know, Im not gettin my buddy in trouble, and I sure as hell dont want to get in trouble. The internet is not the place for it.

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I am just glad that the drinking age is 21. Imagine how easy it would be for punks to get a fake ID if the age was 18.


It sure is pathetic that people are so desparate for a sip.


so what u never drank before the age of 21??? dont be a hypacritel(sp)


buuut its not the the id its wear you go, i had an identa-kid id, without my picture on it, and bought beer....


but its not good to be braggin and posting up your fake id's u can get in alot of trouble for that shit, i believe its a major offense....correct me if im wrong.


Hey if i can go get blown up over in iraq or some other shit hole for my country at 18 why cant a drink a fucking beer in it.....

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Let me give you some advise. Dont post your fake ID on the internet you could get whoever is on that card in some serious shit man. Seriously. We all did it some of us dident have to and no Im not condoning it do what you do but the internet is no place to brag and show your FAKE ID CARD. Thats all Im saying.


can you say drama queen?

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can you say drama queen?



Yeah Im drunk now I shouldent of said shit. I do have one good word for you all though and thats LIMITATIONS. Cant speak a word without knowing that. Rite?

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Guess u guys arnt really familar with the whole concept, my id has my pic and my info, fake ids are for sale all over the internet, theres actualy sites u can order em off they usally go for bout 100 bucks or so, guess it wasnt thread worthy just thought more people would have seen one before or had one my bad :thumbsup:

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