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nology coil?


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where are you guys getting these nology coils. i cant find them for a shee... these guys are dumb up here....i found one but it dosent come ith wire,,,, did yours.. im looking for one if anyone knows where there is one for sale.... thanks

contact FASTOYS on here he has them.

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you can but the whole kit from KDcycles in Yuma Arizona for 120$ it is a good mod to have IMO.

I noticed a difference as soon as I fired my bike up :beer:


This is what you're talking about...Denny.




And...no, it doesn't come with the "hot" wires...just their standard wires which are labeled "high output"...


I called them on the phone and they confirmed it before I bought my Nology w/ hotwires from Jeff.


Those Hotwires are the shiznit...:)


Yeah, you can build a motor all you want, but without a real good, strong and consistent spark....you're losing out.

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i purchased mine from a smal l local company here in nW pa. for 120$ and it does have the profire nology wires with the stainless ground straps that yo u guys all have .I later found kDcycle while browsing the net for a customer ,i didnt realize they were selling shitty non-nology wires though -good info to know :beer:

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