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who makes the best head?

robin banx

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Those RK tech heads do look cool...I must admit.


But, Dave's service is top notch, top quality...and, I'm sure his domes, being interchangeable, are much more readily available in different cc's and bore sizes....


Plus...Dave's a site supporter and his advice is priceless....



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I'm just giving you a hard time. I'm glad you have that picture there.



The original question was which head is the best, not which one would you buy. I ran stock carbs on my 4mm motor, because I'm cheap as hell and they performed very nice as is. So, if I were to buy one for my motor brand-new, it would for certain be a NOSS because it is a far better value.


Hoping you didn't take my RK Tek recommendation as a jab. Your head and customer service is top notch, Mr Noss.

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Not at all. RK Tek has a loyal following and obviously does good work. My Banshee Head business has grown a lot in the last few years, and with the Cubs, the custom dome business has really grown. I bought a new CNC lathe two months ago so I can dedicate one CNC lathe to making Banshee domes and turn them pretty quick. Now the Super Cubs are looking like they may take off and their domes are totally different with the bigger bore size.


I'm not offended at all that you like RK Tek heads. I constantly strive to improve my product and customer service and appreciate the support I get on the HQ.



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