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conflict between ex girlfriend and banshee

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Ok guys and ladies here's my delima,The girlfriend broke up with me on monday after a year and a half because I didn't tell her my feelings for her soon enough.(Please note that I had just got out of a mariage for 10 years) I told her on 9-6-06 because she asked for some more comitment and we agreed to give it a try for some time,So monday 9-11-06 she dumps me on the phone.I poored my full heart feelings to her,Love and all that sh*t.So she gave me five days to let her see my true intensions.(Which isn't enough time in my book) Sorry for running on it still hurts.Here's my conflict,She bought a brand new '05 'shee in july and wanted me to do a bunch of mods to it which I did no issues there however now she wants me to have the banshee and she said I could pay her for it whenever I can but I'm not sure I want it because of the thoughts of her and the hurt I feel for her everytime I would be riding it or at this time even looking at it.What are your thoughts on this and recommendations to me.Thanks.

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grrrrrrrr...... life has such unexpected changes !


Check what you owe on the bike , decide what you can sell it for .... if its worth getting rid of and breaking near even on whats owed on it , it might be worth it...... If not , keep it and do some drastic changes .


remember brother



life goes on......

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I don't know about you but a good ride can make me forget about any problems I have going on. I say keep it, ride the shit out of it. If she's gonna make a decision to split in 5 days, better to find that out now than farther down the road right? Now go find another girl to ride as well. :headbang:

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Keep that bike and keep it under your name. Love.. everyone including me has had that experince and yeah it's hard but with time you'll heal & get over it. Maybe just like getting over the ex? Yeah you lover her and all but don't change for her. You already had enough trouble dealing with a 10 yr relationship. Have her understand that and have her work with you. Good luck which ever road you choose.

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I'd say goodbye to both of them, Kai...


To be honest, after a year and a half, You're not going to change and neither is she.


5 days is nothing in comparison to a year and a half. Take a breather, move on....

You've spent the last 11.5 years of your life with someone, a wife then a girlfriend.


Go live a little...and have some fun...

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Kai, man sit back and see how things unfold before you make any kind of quick decision. Right now you've probably got a lot of emotions going through your head and it's only been a few days, you might change your mind from one day to the next about your relationship with her and if you remain friends or what you intend to do with the quad. As far as the banshee goes, you did the mods so it's just as much a part of you as it was her bike...keep it if you have the financial means and if things don't work out with her you can set it up for the next one that comes along...I'm sure you care alot about her but they come and go. Just part of life I guess.

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