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I need help with new front shocks

Gears & Crosses

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I need new front shocks for my 02 Shee and like most people I am budget limited do to too many toys. I think I have about $500 to spend. I do mostly trail / rec riding with some jumping but nothing big. I am satisfied the stock rear shock.


After looking on the net, I see Works steelies with resi's, Used yfz450, very basic Elka's


Am I missing any here?


Which ones will handle the best?


Can someone comment on the Works because I haven't seen to much on the net about them.


Thanks in advance,


Edited by Gears & Crosses
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I'll be getting the yfz's becuase you can find them from $150 to $250 and because I'll be getting +2 A arms. Many are running that set up no complaints.

However, if money was not an issue i would definately start off with Elka Resi's. Sandsport Super Show here in Cali has them without the Resi $400.

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