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Banshee vs cr125 (clutch wear and reving)


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Hey all first I just want to say this site kick all kinds of ass and is schooling all of us newbs and pros on the sweetest bike in the damn world. Ok I just bought a 2003 Banshee with T6 pipes Toomey air filter(stock box setup) not sure of anyother mods and my buddie bought a used cr125 with an FMF pipe. I weigh like 300lbs solidd(some not so solid) and hes around half that what chance do you all think I stand in a 1/4 mile drag. No big deal if I lose I plan to open this motor up in the next year or so anyway.


Also I have been riding this bike pretty hard for the past few weeks. I have been playing with the clutch alot reving it and poping the clutch so it hits the powerband rite away in between gears also. I was wondering if this is a bad Idea? I also rev the bike alot espicaly when Im going slower on the trails so not to foul plugs is this a good idea?


any feedback would be much appricated.



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ok first about the revving...it's a 2 stroke not to mention it's a banshee they likes to be revved..as far as beating the bike I'm saying he may pull you (big weight issue). the bike weighs like 200 less than the quad and the rider weighs less than you. unless hes a shitty rider no doubt hes gonna start pulling you hard in about 3rd gear. get some porting done maybe even stroke the motor and other bolt ons, also get rid of the t6's and your gonna whoop his ass... the motor in my sig will stomp a 06 cr250 with pipe and v3's(on hard road after shifting up to fourth the banshee starts pulling him hard) just found that out a couple weeks ago. I also have a 00 cr125 that has a PC pipe & silencer with v-3's and the banshee just plays with it. have fun



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Yeah man a port job is definatly key. (I had my LT250R ported and polished) in my situation and mabey a milled head figuring my pockets do have an end a very short end at the moment. As for the T6s I like them now but I guess I will have to get rid of them once I get a port job so I figure Ill sell them on ebay to recoup. I also forgot to mention not only is there the huge weight diffrence I have 22in 6 ply mud sharks on the rear They came with the quad. So untill I get all of this done I will just have to face a Honda 125 beating my SHEE :baseball_wibble: . The only real thing Ive got going for me is 10+ yearsriding expirence on my buddie.

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Yeah, I was kinda in the same exact senario the other day at my cousins. He was riding his yz125 w/fmf pipe and I was riding his shee with fmf sst pipes. He kicked from a slow roll in first and he pulled me pretty good. Granted I wasnt really used to riding his shee and I weight probably about a good 100lbs more than him. So If I was guess he'd pull you about a bike or so granted both of you guys a good riders. Dont quote me on that though.

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