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anyone know how to resolve cats in your yard

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Here is my problem solver for cats, Racoons and anything else that walks in my yard...

Damn dude, looks the same as mine, a pit will definately solve any unwanted problems that happen to stray into your yard. That's some straight up DMX shit.




a crossman medalist with a hollow point 22 cal. pellet will definitly kill a cat.


dead cats dead rats did you see what they were at all right!


anyone knows what song that dead cats line came from i will kiss your ass.


The Doors????

Edited by LiftdT4R
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I wouldn't try and shoot it with a bb or pellet gun, they aren't enough to take down a cat unless you get a lucky shot. Cat wanders over with pellet wound, the neighbors probably would guess who did it, and call the law.


I dont know which one youve been shooting them with but a walmart one will do it.

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Guest nightmare

I'm with animalman. You can borrow a trap from animal control. But if you go with the antifreeze method it is best to use old antifreeze. They won't mess with it right out of the jug. Try soaking some hot dogs in anti freeze that works best.

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Are you serious, you tryed to strangle a cat with a belt? Thats fuckin gross.


That's not gross, its sad, while I wouldnt do it, I dont imagine it would be that hard to strangle a cat with a belt. Come one man, if you ride a shee, I'm sure you have stronger arms then that!

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As others have said I would try and find a different way to take care of it besides harming/killing it. Neighbors would know RIGHT AWAY if friski ends up missing or injured... The whole chokeing with a belt thing... At first its kind of a funny visual but overall its pretty F-ed up. I understand you were pissed and took action but damn man, I think you have issues :shrug:


Ellison: You need to take a pic of your dog when its not sportin wood.. Think it would be much more intimidating(sp) :yelrotflmao:



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