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clutch springs

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hey I wanna upgrade the springs in my clutch, it is stock, as is the basket, I don't mind a stiff clutch pull so long as my clutch isn't slipping....what are the best springs out there? I am considering Barnett, any opinions?


I've always run Toomey clutch springs.

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Depending on your mods, you might be able to get away with 3 of each as said.


Once you go ported/stroker motor, 6HD is a good idea.

No problems with Barnett HD springs, PM Jeff @ FAST, he's got 'em. FASTOYS is his screen name.


For 30 bucks, get an easy pull perch and lever if you don't have one already, and for another 12 or so, get a new cable if yours is more than a few years old.


Significant easier pull with both those items!

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