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Leaking carb problem !

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I noticed my right carb is leaking fuel a small amout of fuel out of the over flow hose when it is parked with the petcock is on, it usually cranks on first kick , now it take 4 or 5 kicks, so I think it`s flooding that cyclinder, how do I check that carb float level ? is there a simple way of checking this ? Thanks, milo_32000

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I noticed my right carb is leaking fuel a small amout of fuel out of the over flow hose when it is parked with the petcock is on, it usually cranks on first kick , now it take 4 or 5 kicks, so I think it`s flooding that cyclinder, how do I check that carb float level ? is there a simple way of checking this ? Thanks, milo_32000

sounds like it might be the float needle sticking and the fuel in the line to the carbs is draining out. you can try and replace the needle and seat or if you want to check the float height i think it is .75 to .80 that is with out the gasket. turn the carb upside down and measure from the base where the gasket goes to the bottom of the float.

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Mine is doing the same thing on the left side how do you change the needle and seat. is it in the bottom where the bowl is at or is it in the top just under the cap that screws on or what any help would be appericated.


The needle and seat is above the float. To change it, you will have to pull the pin out of the float, and then there is a little keeper wire for the needle, that slides over a tab on the float, that you will have to slide off the float. It's really simple to understand and do, once you take the bowl off of the carb, and look at everything. After the float and needle are out of the way, the seat can be removed with a wrench. Can't remember the wrench size, but it's metric. If you have a Clymer's manual, it's covered in the book.

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