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a dog maybe a mans best friend...

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ill try to keep this short...


2 years ago this month... my dad was taken from me and put in a care home. he is one of the many sufferers of MS ( multiple sclerosis) in scotland... apparantly, scotland has the highest count of MS sufferers in the world.


when i left school, i came back to the farm to work and look after my dad. the divorce of him and my mother took a long hard effect on my old man in more ways than one. i saw him going from walking normally to being in a wheel chare full time. i can say this now.... after all the fun times we had, its not the easiest thing to see your dad become paralised so quickly in such a short period of time. he was the one that made me want to ride.... he was the one that got me my first quad when i was 8... and 10 years after that he got me my banshee so we could ride together.


we have had our highs and lows but at the end of the day... your old man... is your old man. when the home help first came in the took a disliking to my dad and i... they couldnt get used to the country life that we lead..... work through the day... party at night.... EVERY NIGHT!


we had many a fall out with them... i said.. give it a week and youll be saying your sorry. they gave it a week and sure enough... all 3 of the carers said they were sorry.


6 months later, i was sitting at the oc after a long days work and one of the carers asked me to go outside to take the rubbish out. at that point in time i said i "no" thinking i would do it later. the next week i had social servises at my door along with the cupational therapist... they were taking my dad into full time care because I wasnt fit enough to live with.


you may think im a pussy but... i cried myself to sleep for a good few nights after that... thinking about what i could have done to make things better. if it wasnt down to my friends i wouldnt be here today. i went through a shit ton of counciling and therapy after my dad left to keep me here today.


the thing im scared about is... MS causes a lose of memory as well as muscle use. i tell my dad i love him and i hug him all the time. im scared that if i tell him i love him he wont remember... and then it will be too late.


i miss my dad more than anything in the world. at this time every year i go on a downer and go through everything in my head for one more time.id just like to say... even if your dad isnt your fave person in the world, youv always got to love him. he is your dad and he will always be your dad.... no matter what he says, he will always love you no matter what.


now... you can call me apussy all you like but at the end of the day i love my dad and i will never forget him. hes looked after me and iv looked after him.... still am. im getting pretty emotional now so ill rap this shit up lol.... ill leave you with a pic of the giant. he is 6ft 2, and is still built like a brick shit house. 50 cent... eat your fuckin heart out!


me dad at the track...



my dad and i at the care home...



sorry for going all soppy on you guys.

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I know how you feel, I recently lost someone very near and dear to me.


Not by a social service, but by cancer...


You get to see him and tell him that you love him, that's good.


Unfortunately the last time I saw my grandfather was 3 months before he passed away, and I don't think I told him that I loved him...


Sorry man.

Edited by jakehopt
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I feel for you man. My mom has MS so i know what its like. She has had it for almost 20 years and is very lucky it hasnt taken a huge toll on her. The first ten years or so were rough on her she would have an attack about every year or two and be in the hospital for a few days laid up, then pumped full of steroids for a week or two afterwards. Fortunately about 8 years ago (i think) she was started on a drug called Copaxone and it has stopped all progression of the disease. She is about 70% since then (which is good for someone who has had MS for 20 years) and shows no signs of getting worse since she started her daily injections. Her memory loss is minimal if at all but she has some shaky legs and cant walk long distances. I love my mom to death, i hardly ever tell her tho. But now I'm going to start, i always think of it when i leave her house or talk to her on the phone but i never do. A huge attack could be just around the corner even though she has been doing good. Morbid as it may sound but i hope she dies of a heart attack or something rather than have MS take a huge grip. I know (and somewhat dread) that if my dad dies first I will be the one she lives with, but i should just appreciate all the time i have with her and all the rest of the ppl i love for that matter. You suck dude, got me all teary eyed and shit thinking about it all. Just shows that under the tough exterior of a MX helmet, we all have people we love, care about and will always have with us.



Port Huron, Michigan

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good post helldriver im glad to see you have blood in your veins after all............Tittie tell your dad you'll never forget him, im a father, my daughter made me a valentine when she was 6, that said " daddy i love you and will never forget you" i have that shit folded up and in my wallet, wheather you know it or not your dads influence lives and breaths in you every day

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I'm permanately barred from baylor medical center if Garland, TX ... My pops was in there for a knee replacement.. left him in the stretching machine for 2 hours longer than he should... nobody came to check...nobody would answer the fuckin call button.... ended up re-tearing some shit and almost losing his leg.... he had to crawl outa bed... find my cellphone and call the house.... I was the first one to come in his room for almost 5 hours... If the cop wasn't cool I would've ended up with terrostic threat and criminal tresspassing charges... You DO NOT FUCK WITH A MAN'S FAMILY... Especially his pop's there's an un-spoken bond that goes deeper than anything you could ever explain... I feel for you James....



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Sorry for your lose.My mom and dad are still living,but I saw some of what my mom went through when my granny died.She took it rough.I hated seeing my mom like that.My granny was a great lady.Wish could have lived long enough to have met my daughter and spent some time with her.

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I'm permanately barred from baylor medical center if Garland, TX ... My pops was in there for a knee replacement.. left him in the stretching machine for 2 hours longer than he should... nobody came to check...nobody would answer the fuckin call button.... ended up re-tearing some shit and almost losing his leg.... he had to crawl outa bed... find my cellphone and call the house.... I was the first one to come in his room for almost 5 hours... If the cop wasn't cool I would've ended up with terrostic threat and criminal tresspassing charges... You DO NOT FUCK WITH A MAN'S FAMILY... Especially his pop's there's an un-spoken bond that goes deeper than anything you could ever explain... I feel for you James....




The bastards taking care of my dad during his knee replacement were about that bad. Had his knee stretching thing moving too far in each direction, and even though he had so much morphine in his system he doesn't remember me being at the hospital, he kept saying "it hurts" over and over, and he'd fuckin groan. Turns out the dildos that set up the machines EVERY FUCKING DAY for their job, didn't have it set up right. It was travelling too far.


Then when my dad would ring the nurses station to get some help in the room so he could go to the bathroom, they'd just ring him back and say "yeah, what do you want?" He'd tell them, and guess what the cocksuckers would do.....they'd come in, and dope him up. He'd check out, but fortunately he didn't end up pissing the bed. Fuckers at that hospital have no integrity. Me, my mom and my sister sat down at the hospital almost 20 hours per day between the 3 of us the 3 days he was there just making sure the room got cleaned, and he wasn't being neglected. If we weren't there, I know that he'd just be another pain in their ass. I felt so sick when I'd have to leave at 10 oclock at night knowing some fuckin cow was in charge of him after that.


Me and my dad are lucky that we get to work TOGETHER, as opposed to what alot of people say. Alot of people think I work FOR my dad. Hardly. We make a damn good team, and sure we butt heads, and I can be an asshole right along side my dad, but at the end of the day we wrap things up, bs for a while, talk about what I fucked up that day, and how we're going to fix it tomorrow, and we go home.


Which right now, I live with my parents. hehe. Both of my parents have afforded me so many opportunities I can't even count. I tell them 'thanks for your help' at least 3 times per week. Until the day I die I feel like I will owe my parents for all they've done.

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thanks for all the comments back guys... very much apretiated!


mike and stan.... your right with what you say... dont fuck with a mans family.


i guess because im "so young" its even harder. i can breifly remember the last time my dad walked without any aid... that was a good few years ago now.... 4 at a guess. i guess IMO, the thing that`s hurt the most for me is that iv never really had a dad at home. fair enough i lived with him... but his memory was bad then and now. i work at home and theres not a day where i think he should be here right now shoveling shit and telling me to get a fuckin move on.... and then at the end fo the day... an arm round the shoulder and say "thanks boy".


that one thing ill never forget about dad.... i am not james... im "the boy" :D

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Me and my dad are lucky that we get to work TOGETHER, as opposed to what alot of people say. Alot of people think I work FOR my dad. Hardly. We make a damn good team, and sure we butt heads, and I can be an asshole right along side my dad, but at the end of the day we wrap things up, bs for a while, talk about what I fucked up that day, and how we're going to fix it tomorrow, and we go home.


Which right now, I live with my parents. hehe. Both of my parents have afforded me so many opportunities I can't even count. I tell them 'thanks for your help' at least 3 times per week. Until the day I die I feel like I will owe my parents for all they've done.


If I work with my pops for a solid week it's guaranteed that we'll have a couple blowouts.... it's kinda hard to work with yourself at times :baseball_innocent: ....As for the hospital paging system.... I shit you not... My pops hit that button.. about a minute later... a loud WHAT!? rang back over into his speaker box..... That was the first time I had to leave the hospital "escorted"....


James.... At the end of the day... your pops is your pops... nothing anybody can do or say to change that... Consider yourself lucky for everyday you have with him....




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My old man has always worked the night shift. So, growing up...we'd barely see him after school, except on weekends. He's always been my hero...and my good friend.


Never had blowouts...lucky to say. As soon as high school was over, I decided to stay in the city...he moved out w/ mom to the "country"..as to say. I don't see him nearly enough.


I still remember back in 84 when him and my uncle got their first taste of the sport. Yamaha Tri Moto 200 4 stroke 3 wheelers. Front suspension, no rear supension. Those were the days...

He'd always find time to take me up north to ride at least once or twice a month...and like a kid at Christmas...I coudn't sleep the night before the trip.


My pops has smoked since he was probably 13 years old. He's cut back...but, I know it's gonna get him sooner or later. He retires in less than 5 years...and I just hope he has some great years enjoying life after the work is done.


We never had a lot of money growing up, I never had designer clothes, etc.

But, I always had something to ride...always a roof over my head, a pot to piss in and food on my plate.


Still my dream to win the lotto, he'd be my first call. Leave work right now, and as you do...anyone that has pissed you off (co-worker, boss, etc.) punch them square in the face (I'll handle any legal bills...:) ).....


You and mom will be set, don't ever worry about another thing in your life.....it's taken care of.


I only see my dad a few times a month....but, we live it up when he's around....


tithead, you're no pussy...don't kid yourself. I'm gonna cry like a baby when my old man goes, be it when I'm 30 or 50.....


Just do the best you can, spend what time you can...and be happy knowing you've done all you could...


Remember, above all:


We're not here for a long time.

We're here for a good time!!



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