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a dog maybe a mans best friend...

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My dad and get along pretty good, but when we work together we get into it because I don't always do things the way he would do them. But after it is all over we apologize and go on with our day. My dad and I help each other out all the time, and have always had a great relationship.............


Here's to the dad's.................. :beer:

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JAMES! you gotta focus on the positive my man!

you know i went through a similar situation with my little brother. no one can know what its like to watch a loved one decline like that. we were fortunate enough to be able to take care of him at home, so i cant imagine what its like to have someone in a care home like that. just be positive, enjoy every minute you have with him. i cant even count how many nights i laid in bed with my brother when i was in high school planning about when i graduated i was gonna get my own place for he and i, since its SO uncool to live with your parents hehe, and right when that plan was within reach, he passed away. he was 15. you just never know how many days are left, enjoy them. theres pleanty of time after they are gone to be miserable ;)

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Not sure what to say... My dad is my BEST FRIEND and I cannot fathom what you are going through or what you have gone through... People take so much for granted everyday... My heart goes out to you tit......



word. i work with my dad and love the guy to death. he is always there at my side when i need him and will help me out no matter what i need.

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If I work with my pops for a solid week it's guaranteed that we'll have a couple blowouts.... it's kinda hard to work with yourself at times :baseball_innocent: ....As for the hospital paging system.... I shit you not... My pops hit that button.. about a minute later... a loud WHAT!? rang back over into his speaker box..... That was the first time I had to leave the hospital "escorted"....


James.... At the end of the day... your pops is your pops... nothing anybody can do or say to change that... Consider yourself lucky for everyday you have with him....



work with him a week, hell, i've seen them work together for about an hour and that was pushing it..... :baseball_bat: but, i'm the same way with my pops..... both hands-on, we'll last about an hour, then someone's getting slapped, but above all, there's a bond that no one could understand or seperate, like an unspoken thing there that exists. To watch them (our pops) get older, lack the ability to do things they were doing not so long ago, put into a position to where they're life's threatened or anything is just hard to deal with. My pops is still in good health, but he is getting older and has lost some abilities that he used to have as far as strengths and memory.

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i know where you are at with the whole MS thing guys. my mother has had it since i was about 1 1/2 years old. i'll be 32 next month. up until about 10 years ago, she could get around with a walker occasionally, but then lost use of her legs altogether. having a mother in a wheel chair is all my sisters and i have ever known, so our family life has been quite different than most others. she's had her ups and downs over the years, and we thought we were going to lose her a few times, man is that heartwrenching. everyday you see little things that make you wonder when that day really comes, will we be heartbroken that she's gone, or happy to know that she's no longer suffering and in a better place now. probably a little of both i'm sure. but she is a woman of strong faith in God, and has her family around her and supporting her constantly, and she's dealt with it pretty well over the years. i can remember her saying once that she would love to be around to see us all grow up, get married and have our own families, but she didn't think that she would make it to see that, and she'd be happy to at least see us all graduate high school. well, i'm the youngest and have been out of school for 14 years now :baseball_wassat: , and married with two kids. my sisters both have their own families and she now has 8 grandkids. so she's pretty happy with all of that, and i never deny my kids the opportunity to go visit with grammy, they all are making each other more happy than they realize at the time. and i have to give my dad A LOT of respect for standing by my mother and my sisters and i for all these years and taking care of us all. i just hope and pray that if i am ever in a situation like that, that i have the strength and dedication that my dad has given my mother and our family. i'm sure i will since my father set a good example of how to do so.

well that's my story... but to all of you guys/gals here that are dealing with a similar situation, or has lost a loved one for one reason or another and are coping with it, you have my sympathy and prayers.

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I'm "the boy" too.


I've been "the boy" for 31 years now. Either that or "little Stan" being my dads name is Stan also.


Funny as shit being introduced to a customer as Little Stan by my dad.


lol stan. i remember being introduced to a couple of my dads friends.... "thats the boy" or in the pub... "right boy... its your round!". a few months after he started calling me this and after watching a good few episodes of the simpsons i started calling him jim. my dad and i both have the same name... he gets called jim... im james.


jenny... thanks very much... we havent spoken for a while on the phone. i think last time we did i was a tad drunk... but didnt let on lol. maybe there was a touch of being high too.



you just never know how many days are left, enjoy them. theres pleanty of time after they are gone to be miserable ;)
thats very true... and you have put it very well. when my dad passes away (which will be a good while away!) i dont know how i will deal with it... i guess time will tell. i know though that it wont be pretty and i will feel like shit for a long time. everyone deals with things like this in their own way.... but i really dont know how i will.


MILO... sorry to hear about your mother. i know its not easy. with my mum and dad being divorced, it made it all the harder. i came out here most weekends and saw a change in my dad all the time. i respect your dad for standing by your mother... it takes alot of balls to do that!


im hopefully going into see dad tonight. its a nice day so we will be smuggling some beer and a bar of chocolate infor him.... hes on a diet so wev got to keep it hush lol.


thanks for all your replies and support guys and gals! its been nice and a bit emotional reading what youv all said.


i better get my lunch and finish off the work iv started.


thanks again everyone,


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Sorry to hear about you're old man tit . That getting old shit just keeps getting closer all the time, don't it. I see it in my old man a lot now , he's 74 now . Man , I never thought that would happen. We all think our dads are invinceable . They are our rocks , here on earth . I hate it for you bro . Keep a positive attitude . He's with you a lot more than you might think , he knows just what you know , don't forget , he's the one that taught you . And I don't see anybody on here thinking you're a pussy for loving your dad tit . I know I love mine .



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My dad and I made it to our fishing hole on Easter Sunday this year. It's about a 1.5 mile walk, round trip. He's 78 and has smoked for most of his life. He stopped once on the way back to catch his breath. It was weird because while he was resting, a helicopter started hovering over the top of us. Come to find out later on the news, two brothers had gone out into the woods on the SIUE campus to look for mushrooms and they got separated. One of the brothers called the police and a search went out. The other brother, when he realized that he was lost, decided to make the long walk home and was chilling at the crib. :shrug:

My dad did really good on the long walk though.


The next week, he couldn't make it out of bed to the bathroom. He just didn't have enough air in his lungs to make it. He has been down like that ever since and is in the hospital now for the second time. He is keeping a positive attitude and we are hoping for the best. I feel for you tit. Hang in there buddy. :beer:

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The next week, he couldn't make it out of bed to the bathroom. He just didn't have enough air in his lungs to make it. He has been down like that ever since and is in the hospital now for the second time. He is keeping a positive attitude and we are hoping for the best. I feel for you tit. Hang in there buddy. :beer:

:ermm: sorry to hear that, doll. i hope all turns out well.

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Tit, thats the first post on here that actually made me cry.i lost my father just about a year ago to cancer and that was the hardest thing thing i ever had to go through.seeing him go from good ol dad to being stuck in his recliner(which at the time i didnt see the problem with)to being in and out of the hospital to being in the hospital and then well you know.he was the greatest hero i had andf ever will have.all i can say is tell your dad you love him every fuckin time you can because when you cant tell him anymore is the worst feeling ever.there is nothin in this world i want more than to hang out with my dad again.i went to the nextel cup race this weekend in loudon NH and it was the first time in 13 years he wasnt with me.i was in tears half the day.just spend as much time as you can the ol man and you wont regret it.so i feel for you and hang in there.


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