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Opinions On Abortion

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Did you or did you not say to Rebel3190 "and not to be judgemental" is that not a judgement? How do you know his friend didn't ask for advice? Did you hear the converstion? Is that not a judgemental statment? And what are you doing quoting scripture I thought you weren't a believer? Did you not suggest that I should repent? Isn't that judgemental? etc...

Well, first off rebel3190 made a post about a conversation he had with a friend. He made reference to what the conversation was about. So if his friend did ask him for advise, he must have left that part out. He asked for "you all's opinion." So I gave my (opinion) to the question he asked. At no time was I judgmental in my response.

Now as for you asking me "what are you doing quoting scripture" when I wasn't a believer? Well, I got news, I believe in a lot of things. Now they may not be exactly the same as your beliefs, but who are you to question mine? Do you hold a copy right on scripture?

As for me telling you to repent. You need to reread it, I said "perhaps." That means its your own call, not mine.

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Well, first off rebel3190 made a post about a conversation he had with a friend. He made reference to what the conversation was about. So if his friend did ask him for advise, he must have left that part out. He asked for "you all's opinion." So I gave my (opinion) to the question he asked. At no time was I judgmental in my response.

Now as for you asking me "what are you doing quoting scripture" when I wasn't a believer? Well, I got news, I believe in a lot of things. Now they may not be exactly the same as your beliefs, but who are you to question mine? Do you hold a copy right on scripture?

As for me telling you to repent. You need to reread it, I said "perhaps." That means its your own call, not mine.


If it walks like a duck quacks like ducks its probably a duck! did you not make another judgement on their friendship that it would be ruined if there was disagreement? :banghead:

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A very logical rebuttal of a premise "bullshit"


it can not be relative point that life starts. It starts at growth "conception" just like everything else.


and your premise falls apart when you said ...."and the person can no longer" live" on their own"...Try


leaving a 6month old on their own see how long they live or leave Stephen Hawking on his own see


how long he lives.


I was referring the point of the human body functioning/living on it's own. Of course if you neglect something that is living, it will die. The point I'm making is if a human is dead when there is no heartbeat or brain activity, how can we say an organism that has neither is alive and is really a person. It just doesn't make sense.


If the glob a cells doesn't have what it needs to be considered "alive", how can we say we are killing something? We aren't, that's the point... killing a baby that is unborn once it has a heartbeat and a brain, then that's fucked up, but aborting a pregnancy before the organism has gained the essence of "life" isn't killing anything.

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I was referring the point of the human body functioning/living on it's own. Of course if you neglect something that is living, it will die. The point I'm making is if a human is dead when there is no heartbeat or brain activity, how can we say an organism that has neither is alive and is really a person. It just doesn't make sense.


If the glob a cells doesn't have what it needs to be considered "alive", how can we say we are killing something? We aren't, that's the point... killing a baby that is unborn once it has a heartbeat and a brain, then that's fucked up, but aborting a pregnancy before the organism has gained the essence of "life" isn't killing anything.


A amoeba is considered alive and when I step on it I kill it.There is no such things as glob of cells in scientific community anymore.The more knowledge that is aquired reveals a greater and greater complexities.If you were to spell out all of the A,T,C, and G,(DNA) in the unjustly called primitive amoeba the letters would fill 1,000 complete sets of encyclopedias.



No, that was not a judgment, it was my opinion. Don't you know the difference? :blink:


A opinion is a jugdement. :banghead: A judgement is a opinion.

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WoW badbanshee99 that arguement brought back memories of boring midnights at the FD. We could never agree on that. At one spot the person that was already living already had those life functions and when they stopped they weren't starting again. But at the other end of the spectrum the embryo would grow those functions and all would end up functioning.

We split could not agree on it. Boy we got into some bitch fests ver it, sounded like a bunch of women on PMS.

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A amoeba is considered alive and when I step on it I kill it.There is no such things as glob of cells in scientific community anymore.The more knowledge that is aquired reveals a greater and greater complexities.If you were to spell out all of the A,T,C, and G,(DNA) in the unjustly called primitive amoeba the letters would fill 1,000 complete sets of encyclopedias.

A opinion is a jugdement. :banghead:


I'm talking about a human being! A human being has much different characteristics of LIFE than an amoeba!


It's very simple. A human being is dead when........... x, y and z. If x, y and z aren't there, then that human isn't alive, so there is no way you can be killing it.


but on a lighter note...

here's the definition of opinion directly from dictionary.com, note the definitions 2 and 3



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Hmmm, now would you consider that your opinion or your judgment?


both; have you ever heard a court ruling by a judge? you can't seperate the judgement from the judges opinion! Talk about beating a dead horse. Iv'e got to admit that if any one reads this after we're done they will think we're both nuts!(or maybe just me)

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both; have you ever heard a court ruling by a judge? you can't seperate the judgement from the judges opinion! Talk about beating a dead horse. Iv'e got to admit that if any one reads this after we're done they will think we're both nuts!(or maybe just me)

Hmmm, well then why does one of the Justas's write what is known as a (dissenting opinion) for the minority when their is a split decision in the Supreme Court?

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Hmmm, well then why does one of the Justas's write what is known as a (dissenting opinion) for the minority when their is a split decision in the Supreme Court?


hello it's still their judgement!


holy shit. this is a topic even I wont get involved in!



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hello it's still their judgement!

Wrong rkc, the judgment is made by the majority vote on the Supreme Court. The opinions are what comes after. And I must say (this is my opinion now) that your circle logic is making very little sense tonight. :baseball_wibble:


I might add rkc, it is their "opinion" of the interpretation of the law. Not their personal opinion.

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So anyway... now I'll give my actual opinion on abortion.


I do NOT believe abortion should be used as a form of birth control.


I only really believe abortion is justified in a couple of cases.


Rape, incest (which is usually rape anyway), or when the health of the mother will be put in jeopardy to carry the baby to term.


I do believe it's the womans choice ...... but it was also the woman's choice to get fucked in the first place, with the obvious exception of rape.


There are many families that are unable to have children and would love the opportunity to adopt a child as their own.


There are specific, very controversial ideas that I have on "who" the people are getting abortions anyway and in order to ensure that this doesn't turn into a "Bad99banshee is an asshole" thread, I'll keep them to myself.


Bottom line in my mind is this.... just like if you play with matches, you may get burned and you better be ready to deal with the pain, if you play with a dick, you may get pregnant and you better be ready to deal with the consequences.


Life is about choices and if you choose a path, you better know where it goes.


Birth control pills are much cheaper than getting abortions.

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