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Opinions On Abortion

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just curious why not be judgmental? I make judgments all day long about people and things.

Well, for starters being judgmental will only end his friendship with that person. I don't care who you are, when you have a decision like that to make, you are the one that must live with that decision. The last thing you would want is someone ramming their own Holier Than Thou opinion down your throat. And from what I have read so far, his friend did not ask him for any advise. Looks like he found out the information second hand and called him to confirm it.

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Well, for starters being judgmental will only end his friendship with that person. I don't care who you are, when you have a decision like that to make, you are the one that must live with that decision. The last thing you would want is someone ramming their own Holier Than Thou opinion down your throat. And from what I have read so far, his friend did not ask him for any advise. Looks like he found out the information second hand and called him to confirm it.




isn't that judgmental? :shrug: are you ramming? and you still didn't answer my general question.


It would only end a weak friendship!

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Ok rocketboy, just out of curiousity, how do you feel about stem cell research (oh shit I did it now). The ability to cure untold number of diseases and heal injuries that would have been permanent before. Yet a great deal of the research is done on embryos that are grown in labs, never in a woman. Would you rather people continue dying from cancer, living their lives paralyzed, end their lives in senility from alzheimers?

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rkc, No, I am not being judgmental. I am just answering the question that you ask me. I have not passed judgment on anyone in this thread. The Bible says not to pass judgment on others does it not rkc????????????? Perhaps you have some repenting to do.




you're missing it you might want to go reread the past post you did pass numerous judgements just because you didn't sentence any one to death does not mean you don't pass judgements.And you're wrong the bible does not tell us" not to judge" it says do not judge hypocritically. Yes I have to repent (change direction) every day!

This is not personal I see/hear self defeating statement all the time this means a contradiction has just taken place in a persons statement.If you're are interested in being able to spot these let me know.

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This is not personal I see/hear self defeating statement all the time this means a contradiction has just taken place in a persons statement.If you're are interested in being able to spot these let me know.

This also is not personal but is it hypocritically judgemental for you to imply that you possess some hidden knowledge over him that enables you to determine cause and effect in any and all directions? What are you talking about here exactly? Is your faith in Jesus or is it in your own limited understanding? You may ask me the same thing.

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ya know.. I'm not a proponent of abortion or anything, but I do have a big problem with one little aspect that really, really irritates me when people avoid the answer.


Here's the premise that is spewed out:


At the point of conception, life begins. I call bullshit.


Here's why.....


When someone that is truely living goes to the hospital, or whatever because something has happened they call the coroner to "pronounce them dead", or to "confirm death".


How do they define the "death"???


Specifically, it is when the heart stops beating, brain activity has ceased and the person can no longer "live" on their own without the life supporting equipment.


So, I give you this... how can something be "alive" or a "life" has begun when that glob of cells has neither of the the things that are needed for us to call someone alive is there? Wouldn't it actually be in the same state as the human being that was just pronounced dead?


Once that unborn developing embryo develops the things that we use to diagnose death, wouldn't that actually be when "life" begins?


Just a thought. I'm sure many of you disagree.

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you're missing it you might want to go reread the past post you did pass numerous judgements just because you didn't sentence any one to death does not mean you don't pass judgements.

Ah huh, yes well, perhaps you should tell me who I am passing judgment on?

Oh and I might add, this thread is NOT about me. So please lets keep it that way...

Hmmmm, did I spell that right? You know, I wouldn't want to offend anyone with my shity spelling...............................

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My view on it is if you are man enough to have sex with your girlfriend or jsut a girl for that matter, you had better be man enough to deal with any consequence that comes along with it, in this case a baby. Sure your dad will get mad what dad wouldn't when his son is only 17, but he will get over it, my dad is the biggest hard ass in the world so i know all about it. I would regret having my girlfriend get an abortion, people younger than him have kids and make it so he can to just has to man up. Tons of families and marriages stem from unplanned pregnancies, thats just how it is, my first daughter wasn't planned but i am happy to have her and now i am married to her mother and i was only 21 at the time so that my opinion

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Ah huh, yes well, perhaps you should tell me who I am passing judgment on?

Oh and I might add, this thread is NOT about me. So please lets keep it that way...

Hmmmm, did I spell that right? You know, I wouldn't want to offend anyone with my shity spelling...............................


Did you or did you not say to Rebel3190 "and not to be judgemental" is that not a judgement? How do you know his friend didn't ask for advice? Did you hear the converstion? Is that not a judgemental statment? And what are you doing quoting scripture I thought you weren't a believer? Did you not suggest that I should repent? Isn't that judgemental? etc...

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ya know.. I'm not a proponent of abortion or anything, but I do have a big problem with one little aspect that really, really irritates me when people avoid the answer.


Here's the premise that is spewed out:


At the point of conception, life begins. I call bullshit.


Here's why.....


When someone that is truely living goes to the hospital, or whatever because something has happened they call the coroner to "pronounce them dead", or to "confirm death".


How do they define the "death"???


Specifically, it is when the heart stops beating, brain activity has ceased and the person can no longer "live" on their own without the life supporting equipment.


So, I give you this... how can something be "alive" or a "life" has begun when that glob of cells has neither of the the things that are needed for us to call someone alive is there? Wouldn't it actually be in the same state as the human being that was just pronounced dead?


Once that unborn developing embryo develops the things that we use to diagnose death, wouldn't that actually be when "life" begins?


Just a thought. I'm sure many of you disagree.




A very logical rebuttal of a premise "bullshit"


it can not be relative point that life starts. It starts at growth "conception" just like everything else.


and your premise falls apart when you said ...."and the person can no longer" live" on their own"...Try


leaving a 6month old on their own see how long they live or leave Stephen Hawking on his own see


how long he lives.

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