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Opinions On Abortion

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How do you figure?Ive read the bible been to church all of my life,listened to others on this particular subject,i didn't start this thread saying i knew all of the right and wrong of abortion all i did was put what i think so don't start all this shut up you dont know what your talkin about crap cause all im doing is tryin to help my friend and then assholes like you get in here changing the subject and stirring everyone up.

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ok, and did i start with the religion crap? unn NO!!


i told you my thoughts on abortion,, and even asked the bible idiots that started with the religion pushing, how does religion have anything to do with this topic{ if you so smart , you would have known this}


and YOUR the one that started with me on how i was pushing shit,,


man are you that stupid?



well i guess you are :shrug:

Edited by helldriver
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Well i can answer the question of why is religion involved with this subject to the best of my abiltity,its a sin to murder so is it a sin to have an abortion?will the decision of two people to have an abortion goin to affect where they go when judgement day is upon us?its the unanserable question because no one knows exactly what God thinks about the subject so the answer rests with a persons faith personally i think that having an abortion for irresponsible reasons is just like shooting some one for the heck of it,but thats me.

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over here the legal sex age is 16...


chicks under the age of 16 are aloud to make the dissision of abortion themselves without there parents consent.


in a way i agree.... patient confidentuality is confodential, but at the same time i feel the parents should know about it. most kids say "i blame the parents" anyway.... if you have a kid there is no winning.

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fuck who are you to talk helldriver...remember theres no god therefore theres no "Hell" your screen name should be "Puffdriver" the wyhmsical cocksucker............

The name I chose for him was PRIMO EMO cuz he sounds like one of those attention starved clowns.. However I think your name fits him even better... :yelrotflmao:



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boy are you stupid blue douche,, again, i like the imagery of horror stories, aka the bible


so helldriver works for me


as we all know, hell is a made up place,, just like monster island, ya know where godzilla is from

yea well the way i see it youll be findin out how REAL hell is when you wind up down there,thinkin"shoulda listened to the bible pushers".

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