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Hey, assholes!

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How the fuck can you guys miss that part? I'd buy those in a heart beat...:)


Brooke, what size sweety...they're on the way...



Seriously....if you were interested in buying them, which Clearly you're not...I can sort of see you getting revved up about this.


You pointed out the faults, let the other readers and members decide on their own... I too think you got your panties in a bunch over this...


Seriously...there has been entirely too much ranting and raving on for sale ads here...it makes me sick. Especially the "your motor didn't make that much HP"...or, "this pipe is better than that pipe" Bullshit.


Hell...I got an idea, why don't we just unban Ronnie Sheppick (aka sheppick, dickbag, pole smoker, fart locker robber, cock jockey...etc.) so we can all have a public enemy #1...


(Sorry Bansh...I'm not trying to get too down on you, rather lighten this thread up a bit...)



DING DING DING, we have a winner!


You took the words outta my mouth dajogejr!


A mountain out of a molehill is all this is.


Let the guy sell his parts, if there is a problem I'm sure it can be adressed later,no need to start threads and call us assholes.


WE see your point, we get it whooptie fukin doooo, move on!

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Thanks for pointing it out man, i was the one bidding on them for $250 i was gonna pay more if i had to, when you pointed it out they did look like the knockoffs and those are selling for 150, im pretty new to the banshee shit so i would of been duped :( thx for pointing that out.



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Holy shit dude, just let it go. If you haven't figured out yet, your entire life is a damn scam, if your not smart enough to avoid them and learn from them that's your problem, not mine. I'm not here to babysit the for sale forum and make sure that every little new guy is getting what he thinks he is. I don't appreciate you calling everyone an asshole for it either.

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Bansh88, I completely agree w/ you, someone should have pointed it out, and I would have if I had noticed it or even visited that thread...


but I doubt he was trying to be malicious. It's cool you saw his mistake and helped him out, but there's no need to tear him apart. Mistakes happen.

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dAMN bANSH...........i just came in on this thred............i guess i was off on a good one!!...........I understand where Bansh88 is coming from..............maybe I missed it but did you try to PM him before this thred?.................at least it all ended in a good way and he changed the details at the bottom of his auction...........


:baseball_original: :baseball_original:

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