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Hey, assholes!

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if your wrong on this one and its not just an honest mistake by the seller, you're really going to look like the a-hole! report it as internet fraud if you think you have to. you don't need the HQ to make that step for you. do what you gotta do. i'm not buying full-bores and didn't see the post until now.

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if your wrong on this one and its not just an honest mistake by the seller, you're really going to look like the a-hole! report it as internet fraud if you think you have to. you don't need the HQ to make that step for you. do what you gotta do. i'm not buying full-bores and didn't see the post until now.

I called him on it 3 times in his post. He either gave ignorant repsponses or none at all.


Like I said, I'm wondering why no one else said anything. Are you guys afraid of stirring some shit up? Guys seem to be more upset that I'm saying something than the fact that this guys is selling junk. The fronts MAY be accounted for, but the rears are not.


This has gone on for 2 days without the dude coming clean or just saying, "I don't fuckin know what these are".

I'm done with it now. Be warned and I gues sthe rest of you guys look out for yourselves because everyone eithetr doesn't give a fuck or is into scamming people.

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wow. how is it that a sponsor of this site who has a store selling atv parts and accessories doesnt even know if he has real fullbores or not? usually when you cant get a straight answer, somethings up. irresponsible at the very least.


bansh88 is just looking out for everyone here and pissed off that no one else has the balls to do the same.

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Gotta agree what do you do go through every add to see if they are legit. I see you sell fullbores so I know you are not looking to buy.



I don't remember the last time I was in the for sale forum..so you pointed out a false deal... that makes me an asshole!? You want a fucking cookie or something? I understand your looking out and all but shit.... tone it down a little bit...


Edited by dalegoldston
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Fucking classic :clap::clap:


Just because you got your panties in a bunch over some plastics is no reason to insult people. You are an asshole for trying to trash the guys for sale ad just because he didn't answer your questions the way you wanted. Get over it. You're not buying them so don't worry about it.


I don't see "boost bottle" anywhere in my sig, do you? Dumbass

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We all know there a lot of beginners and kids in here. If someone asks for advise, you give it to them don't you? Why not point out bad info or a BS product.

Then again, you guys probably have Boost Bottles



Thanks for pointing it out man, i was the one bidding on them for $250 i was gonna pay more if i had to, when you pointed it out they did look like the knockoffs and those are selling for 150, im pretty new to the banshee shit so i would of been duped :( thx for pointing that out.

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Holy Crap! Where do i start? I just want to say that this is what i would expect over at BT. Second thanks to those of you dont think that the world is coming to an end over a mistake in an Ebay auction. I appriciate it.


Now for those of you who would call out the army and have me shot. FU. Stop wasting peoples time creating multiple posts about some stupid shit. I made a mistake. Like i said in the other post, i dont deal in fullbore. I can get it but have always sold Lakers. I was told they were fullbores and had no reason to doubt it. Those of you who KNEW that they werent or that the rears were stock could have easily said so. I would have thanked you for saving me some bad feedback. Do you think i want to mess up my 100% feedback for an extra few $? If you think that then your an idiot.


You guys need to grow up seriously. I know it might be hard, but try to act like men instead of boys.



I hope that you will let this go, i have already said it was my mistake. beating a dead horse is just gonna make you look like an ass.


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stock bras Chromed.


How the fuck can you guys miss that part? I'd buy those in a heart beat...:)


Brooke, what size sweety...they're on the way...





Seriously....if you were interested in buying them, which Clearly you're not...I can sort of see you getting revved up about this.


You pointed out the faults, let the other readers and members decide on their own... I too think you got your panties in a bunch over this...


Seriously...there has been entirely too much ranting and raving on for sale ads here...it makes me sick. Especially the "your motor didn't make that much HP"...or, "this pipe is better than that pipe" Bullshit.


Hell...I got an idea, why don't we just unban Ronnie Sheppick (aka sheppick, dickbag, pole smoker, fart locker robber, cock jockey...etc.) so we can all have a public enemy #1...


(Sorry Bansh...I'm not trying to get too down on you, rather lighten this thread up a bit...)

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