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The first two were the only ones that looked like they really connected... The following 4-5 looked like they were hardly connecting.. Shamrock was gonna get his ass kicked but I think it was stopped to early...




I would like to have seen the shamrock/ortiz fight go longer just to see ken get another good beat down, but I dont like ortiz either. just means he is one step closer to a beat down of his own.


as for the pride guys comming over, I think it will make for some great fights, but i wont jump on the wagon thinking that ufc will rule them all. it will be a mix as there are some very good fighters at pride also. wanderle/liddel will be a great fight, but I would give the nod to silva just because he seems like a better package fighter, and is absolutely relentless.


it would be nice to see crocop in the ufc, but he would be really lacking his trademark finisher, the soccer kick to the downed opponent. even still his kicks are dangerous, and I think that he would beat tim. also emilenko would be another great fight over here with tim. as far as matt hughes goes, not sure there are many that will stand with him in his weight class, but it would be a great match to watch if someone decent tried

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Thats what I think will help chuck as well, is the fact that you take away some powerfull weapons when you fight under UFC rules. As apbt pointed out I don't thik for a minute it will be a easy fight but Liddell is a badass and now its gonna be in HIS house. To be honest I predict that we are gonna start seeing allot more pride guys coming to the UFC. The reason I say this is because all that are champions right now don't seem to have any real close contenders.. I know there are a couple that maybe able to hang a bit but who can REALLY compete with Matt Hughes, Rich Franklin, Chuck Liddell and even Tim Silvia(besides Arlovski)... I heard the next guy that is fighting Liddell is suposed to be bad but other than that Iam not sure whos gonna hang with these guys...

UFC should get real interesting soon..





George St. Pierre can compete with Matt Hughes! That would be a bad ass fight! Liddell has beat Sobral once already[ A shin to the face]!I'll take Liddell over Silva! Shamrock was gonna get an extreme ass kicking, but it was stopped too soon. I think Herb Dean stopped the last Silvia Arlovski fight a little too soon also! This was a kinda shitty UFC all the way around, but I can't wait till the next one!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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George St. Pierre can compete with Matt Hughes!


No way in hell... I havn't seen that guy do anything that impressed me yet other than his ass kissin skills.. But rather than argue we can just hope to see it soon in the future :beer:



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No way in hell... I havn't seen that guy do anything that impressed me yet other than his ass kissin skills.. But rather than argue we can just hope to see it soon in the future :beer:






I'm a Hughes fan, but st. Pierre can compete on his level. I'm not claiming he could beat him, but he has the skills to make it an interesting fight. I can't recall who even gave st. Pierre a good fight in the last year? I agree hopefully we get to see it soon.

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For those of you who don't know, the UFC has turned into a near gay experience since introducing their "reality" show. 5-6 fights a show, celebrity interviews, bimbo-cam in the audience and fighter hype is stupid shit to an MMA fan. I've watched every UFC on PPV or live (A.C.) since 1996 (UFC 5) and it's now bordering professional wrestling....only without the stupid signes in the audience. Pride fighting is still number one, and again for those of you who don't know, you'll soon find out who Wanderlei Silva is; the baddest fighter at 205 out there. He should (I'm not naive enough to think Chuck doesn't have a punchers chance... he strikes well and has good take-down defense) make Chuck the icequeen look silly in the octagon. The UFC has deeper talent at the lower weight classes, but Pride has all of the talent in the upper weight classes. I was actually telling my wife that after 10 years of watching the UFC (and $25 more an event) that I will no longer watch them, until I saw Wanderlei come back over to fight upChucky. The Pride fans are also much more knowledgeable and respectful than American (yes I live here) fans; they don't boo at the drop of a hat and they understand the ground game. I watch these events lately and all we do is booooo if there's no standup. They should go and watch toughman contests if they want to see hail mary's for 15-20 minutes. Silvia is a scrub too who wouldn't stand a chance against the likes of the Emelianenko brothers or Mirko Crocop.

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