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Garage Kept Bitch?

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Get this. It seems that every time I go riding and it rains over night, my shee starts up fine. But then once I take off, I pull in the clutch to grab second and the R's start to climb on its own. I shut it off, start it up again...and its all good till I get going and it does it again. It doesn't stick like a stuck slide or cable. The RPM's climb slowly, and I can rev it up but the R's will just go higher and not back down. Once it seems to dry out it runs great like it should. :shrug: I've checked the carbs, throttle, and cable. I don't think its a air leak. My guess is its electrical. But what?


It never does this at home. Only when it gets left in the rain up north. Do I just have a garage kept bitch or what?





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well this is just a guess but maby mositer (cant spell lol) is getting into the T.O.R.S and causing it 2 rev up my banshee would do the same thing when i washed it and when i changed the tors it went away?????



like i said its just a shot in the dark :ninja:

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If you get any water in your filters or carbs, it will lean the fuel mixture out, and cause the RPM's to rise. Mine will do it now, even with different carbs, 34mm flatslides, when the filters get wet. Just ride it easy, until all the water gets out. Just my .02.

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rpm rise = air leak


any banshee problem with connected tors and parking break sensnors = problem


Check both of those and see whats up , sounds like to me your tors get wet and they want to ruin your day of fun.


1- disconect the two plugs that run out of the top of carbs

2- disconect the wire that goes into your thumb throttle .

3-disconect your parking break sensor ( clutch side )

4-disconect your TORS BRAIN , ( right next to where the coil / spark plug wires )

Little black box that should have a 12 gauge hole in it .


Try all that , if that doesnt increase anything , check filters , clean the bowls of any water sediment that has floated to the bottom . If all else fails start lookin for a air leak in the boots.

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hey i have the same problem man ... as soon as i hit a puddle of water (fair size puddle) and pin it, it just keeps revin' until like u said "shut it off and turn it back on". i still haven't found it yet but when i do i'll for surely let ya know unless someone else knows. :thumb:

Edited by greg_banshee
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Sticky throttle due to moisture, common problem with the banshees.

If you want it gone change the carbs.

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take out your slides and sand them down with alittle fine emery paper,( take the paint off),put on a little wd should be good to go

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i dont think it would be water in the carbs



if u got water in the carbs the motor would die :ninja:



its gotta be the tors try crossing the wires and take it for a rip see if it does it and let us know





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Well thanks for the replies guys, but the Parking brake and Tors has been long gone, I even removed the wiring from the harness years ago. The air filter is clean and doesn't have any water in the air box. I've got a twist throttle that I tore apart, cleaned, and rebuilt before our last trip. Shee's got brand new Motion Pro - Terminator series throttle and clutch cables. And I also disassembled, cleaned, re-jetted, and reassembled the carbs about two weeks ago.


I really don't think it's an air leak b/c it runs great after it warms up enough to dry out.


In my experience, this has electrical written all over it. But I just don't know what to look for outside of the obvious.


This is just moisture from being rained on, I didn't go through any mud or water holes.


From now on I'm just going to keep it covered when its outside I guess.


This really has me scratching my head...?????? :sad:

Edited by AssWhore
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Sticky throttle due to moisture, common problem with the banshees.

If you want it gone change the carbs.


Stock carbs can and will do this when they get wet. Especially when you put new caps on them to get rid of the TORS (like you did when you got your twist). Water gets in around the cable on top of the carb and causes the slides to stick. Happens to mine, which is another reason I avoid water.


Besides, a banshee isn't meant to get wet, its meant to stay clean and look fast. You want to go through mud and water, get a 4x4. And if you store it outside, well, you should be shot for doing that to a shee.

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Mine have also done the same(stock carbs), but i was also got her going and out riding her in heavy fog. I took the slides out, dried them up, and it ran great, until they got wet again. So i just dont go out when its really wet/foggy out.

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