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i am about a wits end with it, i cant the that thing to seal off i gobbed silicone on it and it still leaked, so as a last resort i applyed a thing layer on the tank gasket and the valve housing and the gasket then put a seal around the out side of it... i think it was leaking where the screw holes are but im not sure.


also it was leaking where the valve and the housing meet the big screw hole so i put some silicone and locktight around it too and if this dont fix it then i dont know what the hell im going to do


anyone else have these problems


and if i tighten the screws up alot it squishes out the gasket too!

Edited by AustinONeal
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i am about a wits end with it, i cant the that thing to seal off i gobbed silicone on it and it still leaked, so as a last resort i applyed a thing layer on the tank gasket and the valve housing and the gasket then put a seal around the out side of it... i think it was leaking where the screw holes are but im not sure.


also it was leaking where the valve and the housing meet the big screw hole so i put some silicone and locktight around it too and if this dont fix it then i dont know what the hell im going to do


anyone else have these problems


and if i tighten the screws up alot it squishes out the gasket too!



did you use teflon tape on the threads of the fuel valve that screws into the mounting plate?

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no i put a litle bit of silicone on the threads


you need to rap the threads about 6 or 7 times with the tape to index it to the position you want it. you will probly have to do that a couple of times to get it were you want it.

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