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no plane into the pentagon on 9/11

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True. None of this political stuff matters if you believe in god. Because your only reason to be here is to pray enough until you die so you can go to heaven. Why don't religious people pray for death? If I believed in heaven, i'd live VERY dangerously.

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why are they wrong? oh yeah, i forgot YOUR way of looking at god is the ONLY correct way :baseball_innocent:

and child molesting just didnt come from the cathoilcs,, you dont read up on this stuff much do you?

Who's wrong? Did I say that? You said Priest, I have no Priest and the only Priests I know of are Catholic. Let's get back on topic here: Did you or did you not hump a cat and crash a plane into the pentagon?

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i believe it. i also believe that bush had something to do with the planes hitting the towers and that there were also charges in the buildings to collapse them. doesnt make sense to me that just a plane hitting a building that big and with the amount of support those buildings had to collapse it.


Are you kidding? A Boeing 747 can hold 57,145 gallons of fuel, say with even half of that left in the plane as it crashes spilling all over and burning everything, the temperature then comes up high enough to where it can melt steel, which would cause the thing to collapse. Had there been just a chunk of steel thrown into the sides of the Towers they would still be standing with nothing more than said damage from giant metal object hitting it.

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I hope you are all wearing your tinfoil helmets while discussing this shit (I sure am :thumb: ) Good thing to , cuz I just saw a black helicopter fly by :baseball_shocked:



Any of you f-in loosers that belive all this crap are either A: been hittin the crack pipe to long or B: are typical DEMs


Don't get me wrong.. There is shit that the gov does that is/considered shaddy. But what the hell do you expect. There is things that have to be done and things that have to be kept quiet. You think it would do us anygood for the gov to release every bit of info that someone asked for?? The tards of this country that think they NEED to know everything, need to realize that if info is given out to them, then its just as easy for the "enemy" to get it as well. Everyone wants to blame BUSH and only BUSH. Don't you clowns realize that there is allot more that goes into a decision in the white house besides just what Bush wants??? This shit gets so old... :banghead:



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I think it's hillarious that people think the presdient calls the shots. he's a fuckin puppet. Always has been, always will be. Heads of state are there for looks.

Thus the real conspiracy of Democracy. "the people" can't govern shit!

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i never ment to offend you people but my science teacher was talking about this how the buildings wouldnt collapse and it made sence. i didnt really take the fuel into consideration but still. and i always thought that one of the buildings gave out at the bottom instead of the top. the reason i said bush did it was because someone told me it had alot to due with the oil or something. i dont think he had anything to due with it really but i still find it hard to believe the buildings collapsed with just planes. thats MY OPININON so please dont bash it. we all think differently

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i never ment to offend you people but my science teacher was talking about this how the buildings wouldnt collapse and it made sence. i didnt really take the fuel into consideration but still. and i always thought that one of the buildings gave out at the bottom instead of the top. the reason i said bush did it was because someone told me it had alot to due with the oil or something. i dont think he had anything to due with it really but i still find it hard to believe the buildings collapsed with just planes. thats MY OPININON so please dont bash it. we all think differently

is that what they teach you up there in america jr. err..i mean canada? a little advice; your teacher is a moron.


now youre talking about the towers, we were all discussing the pentagon before. do you know what the pentagon is? the video was about the pentagon. not many people say the towers didnt get hit by airplanes because the second plane hit on live tv. and theres pleanty of video of the first one hitting.

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