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Well, I'm un-banned


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So lets break this down brooke is gay...so gay that Lee doesn't even like her so he bans her. There are like maybe 50 people out of like a couple thousand that actually like her.....and she doesn't even own a banshee. She contributes absolutely nothing to this whole place and she has sand in her :baseball_mitt: THIS IS SOME WHACK SHIT MAN :baseball_w00t:






:notworthy: :yelrotflmao: :yelrotflmao: :yelrotflmao: :notworthy:


OH GOD man props to you

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So lets break this down brooke is gay...so gay that Lee doesn't even like her so he bans her. There are like maybe 50 people out of like a couple thousand that actually like her.....and she doesn't even own a banshee. She contributes absolutely nothing to this whole place and she has sand in her :baseball_mitt: THIS IS SOME WHACK SHIT MAN :baseball_w00t:



What have you contributed? Common knowledge, and immaturity doesn't make you better than anybody. Fact is if you were to just up and leave right now, nobody would give a shit, or even notice. She holds a lot more respect than you ever will, and what the fuck does it matter if she owns a banshee or not? How many fucking people on this site down own a banshee? Technically I dont own a banshee since it's still being built. Who gives a shit? Pretty funny that you claim she has sand in her whatever, but you're the one over here bitching like a little school girl that can't get her scrunchies in assorted colors.

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yeah but have you seen brooks chest?


ot lack of chest i should say :evil:

i know you dont beleive in god but somebody blessed her in the ass department



since when does a chick need to own a banshee, on my top ten list pussie is a notch above banshee

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So lets break this down brooke is gay...so gay that Lee doesn't even like her so he bans her. There are like maybe 50 people out of like a couple thousand that actually like her.....and she doesn't even own a banshee. She contributes absolutely nothing to this whole place and she has sand in her :baseball_mitt: THIS IS SOME WHACK SHIT MAN :baseball_w00t:




I don't have a 'shee either..... as a matter of fact.. I don't even like them anymore :ninja: ....





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i know you dont beleive in god but somebody blessed her in the ass department

HAHAHAH good one!! oh and thank you :baseball_kiss:


should be named WELL IM UN-BANNED ( again ) start contributing

chase, i believe the especially applies to you:

What have you contributed? Common knowledge, and immaturity doesn't make you better than anybody. Fact is if you were to just up and leave right now, nobody would give a shit, or even notice.


its ok brooke.. you can ride one of my banshees :biggrin: :headbang:

hubba hubba :wub: :smile:

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Brooke has called me many derogetory names in other threads and we have battled it out in the past mnay times ,below is one such

actual quote from her :


rocketboy, you are a disgusting excuse for a man, and thats been proven time and time again with your ugly, racist, ignorant posts.


now am i gonna jump on the band wagon like everyone else and label/judge/ridicule her for speaking her opinion on an open forum message board even if it is in opposition to my opinion ??????...nope ,but then again im comfortable enough about myself so i can simply forgive and forget . geez ...Its just the internet and not worth getting all upset over .kids are dying

people are starving ,many americans have no roof over there head ...so why worry about a few comments on a atv website ,life is way too short for that IMO ......

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I don't have a 'shee either..... as a matter of fact.. I don't even like them anymore :ninja: ....




Sorry man.. Got a little outta control.. You can stay but I still NEVER want to see your hairy ass again.. :yelrotflmao:


On a more serious note...


--I think having Brooke on here deffinatly makes things more interesting.. She seems well educated, witty and quite often makes points that no one can really argue. I find myself agreeing with here in allot of different topics. I have allot of respect for her because she is a educated women that is firm and knowledgeable in what she writes and posts..

--However I personaly think its lame how (not all) but some guys on here kiss her ass and agree with what she says only because she is a women. Don't get me wrong, Iam too a huge fan of the vagina but the piece you can get off someone you can see is better than someone hundreds if not thousands of miles away.. If you want to agree with her because she made a good point then fine but don't do it because she has a nice ass..

--EVERYTIME anyone talks shit to Brooke Chemical Castration is right there in shining armor.. Dude she can handle herself. Sounds like you guys are good friends and I understand you wanting to defend that but Brooke is capeable. Its like sending out the Mexican army to defend the US :laugh: Not trying to pick on you chem, I remember talking to you in chat and you seem like a good guy but damn man...

--As for the banning... Iam not sure the details, but my only opinion I guess is, if your gonna ban someone make sure its for the right reasons and solid reasons.. You open up a WHOLE can of worms when someone is tossed out and let back in. As I said before Iam not sure of all the details and all but thats my personal opinion..

--As for the whole, "not owning a banshee thing"... I understand what some people are saying.. Why is she here if she is not looking for answeres, or to help people with their bikes.. However there is much more to HQ than Banshees. As others have stated there are many people on here that don't ride and are here for whatever reason.. Thats ok, thats what a open forum is. I think the only reason people say it is to try and run you off. Only thing I feel is funny about it, is Iam not into basket weaving therefor you wont find me on a basket weaving forum. However as I mentioned before the forum is open and thefore anyone and everyone (imo) is welcome...

--Now onto what I don't like about Brooke's posts... I have seen several cases where when a chick posts Brooke goes balls out and hammers on them. I know thats Brookes style :yelrotflmao: and all but I personaly think she is even harder on the chicks than mast any guy. My ONLY problem with that is there are probably allot of girls who are interested in the site and don't join because they feel they will be ridiculed at the first "stupid question"(sp). Also I think it gets old when shit cant get dropped and be left alone after the points have been proven, question answered, corrections made, ect. One example is Chase. She likes throwin him shit and I understand where she is comming from at times but damn.. There comes a time to let it go. I didn't agree with the sig he used to have or the big ass one he had more recently.. BUT he has gotten better and even though I know he still says or does some silly shit, he is making progress :laugh:

Wow I kinda went on a rampage..


--Boils down to: The drama gets old but if you don't like it dont read it. Anyone on here that contributes( in any way-imo) is welcome here. I don't always agree with Brooke but I don't always agree with anyone. People need to quit taking EVERYTHING so damn serious and take it all more lightly. Brooke I look forward to your political posts allthough others(dems :ph34r:) may not... I didn't write any of this to piss anyone off.. Just simply wanted to state my OPINION..



Edited by RIPPEN
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i know you dont beleive in god but somebody blessed her in the ass department

since when does a chick need to own a banshee, on my top ten list pussie is a notch above banshee

i would have thought a priest did the blessing on her ass, but she not a little boy.

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--However I personaly think its lame how (not all) but some guys on here kiss her ass and agree with what she says only because she is a women. Don't get me wrong, Iam too a huge fan of the vagina but the piece you can get off someone you can see is better than someone hundreds if not thousands of miles away.. If you want to agree with her because she made a good point then fine but don't do it because she has a nice ass..

--EVERYTIME anyone talks shit to Brooke Chemical Castration is right there in shining armor.. Dude she can handle herself. Sounds like you guys are good friends and I understand you wanting to defend that but Brooke is capeable. Its like sending out the Mexican army to defend the US :laugh: Not trying to pick on you chem, I remember talking to you in chat and you seem like a good guy but damn man...

RIPPEN, you can cut the bullshit. If you think I'm only posting because I somehow think it's gonna get me laid, then at least have the balls to say so. The only posts you can accuse me of trying to defend her are the ones that were directed to Lee when she was banned, when bigwill lashed out at her for no reason at all, and the infamous Holyman thread. I've mocked chase or whoever because they deserve to be shit on, plain and simple. It's my opinion, and I'll post it if I feel like it.

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