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lol ozzy ... how the hell u guna put ozzy ozbounre on a fuckin banshee . LOL MAN OZZY

Ozzy about killed himself on a shee.




He was doing something stupid, he wasn't wearing protection. When people have accidents no matter if it's their fault or not and they weren't taking every precaution they could it makes everybody else look bad and puts the activity in the spotlight for the wrong reason. I am very much against helmet laws but I won't ride without mine.

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Ozzy about killed himself on a shee.

He was doing something stupid, he wasn't wearing protection. When people have accidents no matter if it's their fault or not and they weren't taking every precaution they could it makes everybody else look bad and puts the activity in the spotlight for the wrong reason. I am very much against helmet laws but I won't ride without mine.



Here's my take on helmet laws....


I never ride without one on my shee... for lot's of reasons...


I don't like to wear one on the street... and here's why...


With my helmet on, my hearing, peripheral vision, and just my senses in general are diminished...

Without my helmet, I can hear things happening, I can see much more, and I have much more time to react to things that I see quicker or can "sense" is happening...


The simple fact is.. Helmets reduce the injuries/death involved when a crash does happen, but less crashes happen without helmets.


If a rider can react faster or is more aware of his surroundings, less incidents will occur...


That's my feeling, I'm sure others are different...


offroad.. no question... helmet is on

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My take is it's your choice if you want to risk it. Unfortunately the news doesn't ignore people who were not protected as they should be. I'd rather see the news headline say "An idiot without a helmet wrecked his motorcycle and died" instead of "Motorcyclist killed in crash". The funny thing is with what you said about your senses being better, look at MotoGP racing not a single one of them rides without a helmet and they need to have the fastest and best reactions and senses possible. You could say they don't have the same outside factors as a motorist but the fact of the matter is you come out of a corner doing a buck twenty seeing nothing but the guy ahead of you and you go to pass then realize there's a bike down in front of you with no alternative but to max out the pucker factor and pray. If I had to choose I'd rather offroad without a helmet, your head can win against sand and dirt but steel and concrete are pretty much undefeatable.

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My take is it's your choice if you want to risk it. Unfortunately the news doesn't ignore people who were not protected as they should be. I'd rather see the news headline say "An idiot without a helmet wrecked his motorcycle and died" instead of "Motorcyclist killed in crash". The funny thing is with what you said about your senses being better, look at MotoGP racing not a single one of them rides without a helmet and they need to have the fastest and best reactions and senses possible. You could say they don't have the same outside factors as a motorist but the fact of the matter is you come out of a corner doing a buck twenty seeing nothing but the guy ahead of you and you go to pass then realize there's a bike down in front of you with no alternative but to max out the pucker factor and pray. If I had to choose I'd rather offroad without a helmet, your head can win against sand and dirt but steel and concrete are pretty much undefeatable.



the comparison doesn't hold up in my mind.. on a MotoGP race track, you don't have granny coming out of a side street that isn't looking for you on her way to the market. If I can see her.. and can react ahead of time.. I'm fine, but if I can't see her or react in time.. i'm dead.



but I completely agree... people.. including me... would not be hurt nearly as bad with a lid on the street.



offroad... your head will not win against a rock when you round a corner, hook a tire in a rut and it throws you... head first into a big rock or a tree.

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can almost guarantee that a helmet law will be on the voting pamphlet this year in PA. wonder how much surgery would've been required had he been wearing one....


I don't like imposing laws on people, but sometimes you just gotta save people from themselves....

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i cant think of one reason not to wear helmet . i bet big ben would not let a 250lbs. linebacker take a shot at him without a football helmet on . so i dont understand why he jumps on a jet with no lid . he calls himself a risk taker .well i would say he sure is .do you think he will ride again? if so do you think he will wear a helmet?

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I don't like imposing laws on people, but sometimes you just gotta save people from themselves....

not to mention the fucking hospital bills that all the rest of us end up paying for. kid near me was fucking around on a quad with no helmet on last summer, fucked himself aaaall up, had to get taken by helicopter to a hospital. this little shit was borderline retarded to begin with, now hes worse off, meanwhile hes the only one working in a trailer of six, including his own parents and girlfriend. you think his six figure hospital bills are getting paid by him on his gas station salary? nope. the hospital and chopper company just eat the cost. and you fuckers wonder why it costs you $50 for an asprin at the hospital.

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not to mention the fucking hospital bills that all the rest of us end up paying for.

Don't forget the impact on those around you. When I went to the ER for not wearing a helmet my girlfriend and family gets a call saying I was in an ambulance on the way to the hospital, they had no clue what happened and since I was knocked out they didn't know if I'd come to. Once I woke up and walked out of the ER and see all the people scared to death that I was dead you realize how important it is. My bike doesn't sound right anymore without a helmet on.

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wel l we had a solid helmet law until only like 2 years ag o till our representative Teresa forcier finally catered into the harley f@ggs and got it passed that yo u could ride without one and our insurance rates and deat htoll go up now because of it . people on crocth rockets are mobile organ donors IMO .i live clsoe to pittsburgh and these people are so fuckin dumb around here over this neandrethal who can throw a piece of leather across a field ,hes a glorifed meathead and it amazes me people are having candle light vigils at our local hosptial for him lol theres lil innocent kids dying of cancer drugs and people in fatal murdercylce accidents here everyday and because some overpaid athlete gets hurt because of his own neglegence (no helmet and WAS not paying attention to what she was doing !)he gets all the attention . peoples prioritys i n this country are screwed up .more people know about ben rosthelbrurger than whos making there decisions i n the governemnt for them or who there kids hang out with after school . :baseball_mitt:

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personally i think its your own stupidity not to wear a lid.i mean,i see where some of u guys come from about senses and hearing and all that.im just glad the law here in MI requires u to wear a lid.im crazy enough in the sand let alone on the street as it is.luckily i only broke my collar bone memorial weekend and not my neck!im gonna have to agree with 2stroke on this.the time it takes to warm your machine up u can have the lid on! Right on bro :beer:

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i live clsoe to pittsburgh and these people are so fuckin dumb around here over this neandrethal who can throw a piece of leather across a field ,hes a glorifed meathead and it amazes me people are having candle light vigils at our local hosptial for him lol theres lil innocent kids dying of cancer drugs and people in fatal murdercylce accidents here everyday and because some overpaid athlete gets hurt because of his own neglegence (no helmet and WAS not paying attention to what she was doing !)he gets all the attention . peoples prioritys i n this country are screwed up .more people know about ben rosthelbrurger than whos making there decisions i n the governemnt for them or who there kids hang out with after school . :baseball_mitt:

WORD!! if you lived closer i would kiss you!!!! :notworthy:

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i wish we had a helmet law in illinois, it would keep insrance rate down . we should have a helmet for quads and everything ,if you get caught without it you lose your bike for a while ,or have to pay some crazy fine . im sure it would be cheeper than medical bills. it just pisses me off to see some kid on a rocket with a tanktop shirt on and no helmet thinking he is some bad ass ,thinking he is invicvable . he doesnt know what he is in for .when he does get hurt and needs an organ or something he goes right to the top of the donor list cause he is young . they should rate the donor list in a stupid level not a age . dont get me wrong i love the rush you get shifting gears at 9,000rpm but take the precautions for yourself and others who care about you. if i caught my 11 year old daughter on her bike with no helmet i would sell that bike so fast she wouldnt know what happened. RIDE SMART GUYS

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jeez i live in pa and my insurance rates didnt go up when the helmet law was passed. Are you sure the insurance rates went up ??


im pro choice by the way.


There was another big motorcycle crash in pa this past weekend. A 20 year old college student was racing around on his crotch rocket and slammed into the side of a minivan, killing 4 people in the van. The kid on the bike also died. 5 dead.



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