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anyone here like that show pinks! on the speed channel? I usually watch it when ever its on, even if i've seen the episode over an over before, its still pretty entertaining. I wonder if they might ever have some quads on there? man it would be awesome to have a episode with two tricked out asphalt drag banshees. I mean they've had street bikes on there, why not some drag quads? me and my brothers have thought about makin our own little "episode" out in the hay field, have a bunch of friends come over so we can have all the argueing and negoitiating, which is what makes the show so entertaing aside from the racing. it would be awesome if done right with enough people, maybe have a 300 or 400 ft race with the banshee and the 400ex.


have ta give the 400 like 6 lengths and run da banshee with the airbox lid on :yelrotflmao:

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I allways watch it even though its a joke,noone on the street does the things they do in there races,makes me chukle.

The first episode I saw I thought it was alright. The second was lame. I haven't seen a third. Although I do know they are going to focus on cars, no more bikes. Which means no quads for sure.

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I used to watch it but I quit cause it is all just bullshit! I mean why don't they use lights???? It would be soo much better like this one race i seen they said a guy jumped so they had to watch the replay and watch that dumbass bald guys hands to see if he left early. And the lengths that is bullshit too cause if it is a good track the track will be completely different 4 or 5 lengths ahead of where you are supposed to start, and for the finish they go off the guys naked eye which can be really hard to determine in a close race. And lastly the guy who runs it is a dumbass I don't think he as a clue what he is talking about. One more thing I don't like the whole headstart thing anyways the whole show is about racing for pinks so that means the racers are telling the other guy their shit is faster, right??????? well then run heads up you pussy or shut your fucking mouth. I could go on and on but I would like to hear what someone else thinks!

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i saw that beetle and that thing was soooooooooooooo fast it would be nice if that guy didnt make them take the wheelie bar off then it wouldnt be crashed :banghead: all i know is i want one of those beetles.

Edited by ThE_BaNsHeE_mAn88
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Kinda funny when i saw this topic cause i posted this same topic over at the SLD website a few days ago.

Pinks is my new favorite show. I saw it a while back and the winner of the races didnt even take the losers car. I thought this is a lame show, but i saw a few shows the other day that were cool.

I dont know if it will overtake my alltime favorite show, Deadliest Catch, but still cool.

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Kinda funny when i saw this topic cause i posted this same topic over at the SLD website a few days ago.

Pinks is my new favorite show. I saw it a while back and the winner of the races didnt even take the losers car. I thought this is a lame show, but i saw a few shows the other day that were cool.

I dont know if it will overtake my alltime favorite show, Deadliest Catch, but still cool.



deadliest catch rules. i love that show. pinks is ok.the host just gets on my nerves.his starting teqnique is of the utmost GHEY! he would be beat to death if he tried to start a race like that on the street.

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i saw that beetle and that thing was soooooooooooooo fast it would be nice if that guy didnt make them take the wheelie bar off then it wouldnt be crashed :banghead: all i know is i want one of those beetles.


They are actually auctioning off that beetle up the road from me. My buddy is all into beetles and building a pretty fast one with a big turbo actually. They are selling 2000 tickets at 20 bucks a piece. My buddy bought a book of 5 and they gave him an extra one with it.

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deadliest catch rules. i love that show. pinks is ok.the host just gets on my nerves.his starting teqnique is of the utmost GHEY! he would be beat to death if he tried to start a race like that on the street.

ohh yeah awesome show if im not home i tivo it... the narrator is mike rowe host of dirty jobs another good show,,,,

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