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frame bent?


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Hi- I rolled my shee awhile back and came down pretty hard on the front right tire/wheel. Now, the camber of that tire is all effed up (top of tire tilted in). The a-arm looks straight, and the ball joints are tight, but the part of the frame that runs parallel to the cross-section of the upper a-arm looks bent. Has anyone else had this happen? I imagine that there would be a way to fix it or at least improve it, but I'm not too sure how. I tried doing some prying with a pickle fork but no luck so far. Any ideas??

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best thing you can do for right now is post a picture. I or someone on here can help you better if you get pics. multiple shots also

front, side,and above. maybee a couple extra just in case.

so do that then get back on and post em up here. :thumb:

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