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It's a fad of the middle-class suburbian kids. Like the prep/stussy fad, A&F fad, and of course the grunge fad. Except, I liked grunch music..my favorite bands came out of that era.. but it's just silly to see people in Miami Florida wearing ragged jeans and flannel over-shirt in them middle of summer to show what kind of music they listen to. (In seattle they wear that cause it rains and it's cold. a lot)


Just striving for someone to notice them and in the back of their mind they feel they fit in somewhere.


The haircuts though are the same bad haircuts they had in the 70's that no one wanted to remember from their yearbooks/pictures.


History repeats. just with different lyrics attached to it.

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yeah i saw that ozzfest too,

slayer are not a band you wanna see in a arena,, they are a club band,, you need the small venue atmoshpere



a recent slayer tour , they played clubs and played the entire reign in blood album!!!! and used mock blood for the song "raining blood!!!!"

Edited by helldriver
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It's a fad of the middle-class suburbian kids. Like the prep/stussy fad, A&F fad, and of course the grunge fad. Except, I liked grunch music..my favorite bands came out of that era.. but it's just silly to see people in Miami Florida wearing ragged jeans and flannel over-shirt in them middle of summer to show what kind of music they listen to. (In seattle they wear that cause it rains and it's cold. a lot)


Just striving for someone to notice them and in the back of their mind they feel they fit in somewhere.


The haircuts though are the same bad haircuts they had in the 70's that no one wanted to remember from their yearbooks/pictures.


History repeats. just with different lyrics attached to it.


yup :clap:


..and quite the hatin' on long hairs... lighten up and learn not to give a damn so much.


And Lee... you didnt fall asleep at the concert, its called "passing out" at a concert, you passed the fuck out at the concert. :cheers:

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my bro is an emo kid. some of the shit he listens to deserves a slap.


hes the lazies bum iv met... he left school a year and a half ago, hes never had a job, has never wanted a job... all he does all day everyday, with no exaduration... is sit at the tv or the laptop playing games.


he wont listen to anyone... i actually asked mum if i could beat it into him that he needs to pull his head out his ass but she wont let me.... even though she said it was a good idea.


daniel if you read this. you better get yur head out your ass soon, cos with the way your going and your attitude towards me fucking stinks. this beating may come sooner than i was thinking!!

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In my local paper this morning they put on the front page of the local section "The New Emo Trend" and they show (presumably) 4 sad "girls" in the captioned photo.


What the fuck?


This was going on about 6 years ago.


When ever it was Linkin Park came about, but apparently now its the top trend to follow.


We got a few of them at the gym here too. They come walking in wearing girls pants and leather hats n shit. Whats funny is they are all built like coat hangers, but act 1/2 tough.

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